Introduction to our Customer Service Plan and Services for Persons with Disabilities

All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. ("ANA") values all of its customers, and is continually working to improve its ‎services and to offer the safest and most comfortable trip to every customer. This Customer Service Plan provides a summary of the actions taken by ‎ANA to assist its customers. This Customer Service Plan and Services for Persons with Disabilities is applicable to ‎services provided in connection with scheduled flights to, from and within Canada, ‎including connecting flights, by ANA and has ‎been adopted pursuant to the Canadian Air Passenger Protection Regulations ‎‎("Air Passenger Protection Regulations") and the Canadian Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations ("ATPDR").
If you are travelling on a codeshare flight, operated by another airline, please ‎contact the operating carrier as it may be better-positioned to make the ‎appropriate accommodation arrangements for you.

1.Flight Delays, Cancellations, and Denial of Boarding

Where a flight is delayed, cancelled or where a passenger is not permitted to occupy a seat on board a flight because the number of seats that may be occupied on the flight is less than the number of passengers who have checked in by the required time, hold a confirmed reservation and valid travel documentation and are present at the boarding gate at the required boarding time (a "Denial of Boarding") (flight delays, cancellations and Denial of Boarding are collectively referred to as a "Flight Disruption" in this Customer Service Plan), passengers may be entitled to specific standards of treatment, rebooking or a refund, and compensation as set out in Section 4(B) and (C) of this Customer Service Plan.
The following is a summary of our terms and conditions in cases of a Flight Disruption. Our complete list of terms and conditions applicable to flights to, from and within Canada (including connecting flights) is available on International TariffOpen PDF in a new window.

A.Notifying passengers of a known Flight Disruption

To keep our passengers informed during a Flight Disruption we will provide affected passengers with the following information, based on the information available to us:

  • The reason for the Flight Disruption;
  • The compensation to which the passengers may be entitled for the inconvenience (if applicable);
  • The standard of treatment for passengers (if any); and
  • The recourse available to passengers against ANA, including their recourse to the Canadian Transportation Agency.

We strive to provide our passengers with new information as soon as feasible and will provide status updates every 30 minutes until a new departure time is set for the flight or alternative travel arrangements have been made pursuant to section 1(B) of this Customer Service Plan.

B.Providing services to minimize inconvenience

Alternate Travel Arrangements or Refund - circumstances within ANA's control (including situations required for safety purposes)

Where a delay of three hours or more ("Extended Delay"), a flight cancellation, or a Denial of Boarding, occurs for reasons within our control, (including situations required for safety purposes), we will provide passengers, free of charge, with:

  1. a confirmed reservation on the next available flight that is operated by us or our commercial partners, travelling on any reasonable air route from the airport where the passenger is located to their destination, and that departs within 9 hours of the original departure time; or if not available
  2. a confirmed reservation for a flight that is operated by any air carrier, travelling on any reasonable air route from the airport where the passenger is located to their destination, and that departs within 48 hours of their original departure time; or if not available
  3. a confirmed reservation for a flight that is operated by any air carrier, travelling on any reasonable air route from an airport that is within a reasonable distance of the airport where the passenger is located to their destination, and transportation to the other airport.
  • A Flight Disruption is within our control but required for safety purposesOpens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. where the cause of the Flight Disruption is required by law in order to reduce risk to passenger safety and includes required by safety decisions made within the authority of the pilot of the aircraft or any decision made in accordance with a safety management system as defined in subsection 101.01(1) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations but does not include scheduled maintenance in compliance with legal requirements.

In accordance with the Air Passenger Protection Regulations, ‎we will provide alternate travel arrangements that are comparable to those on the original ticket in case of an Extended Delay, cancellation or Denial of Boarding.
If the alternate travel arrangements provide for a higher class of service than the original ticket, we will not charge for the upgrade.

Information about compensation for an Extended Delay or cancellation is described ‎in Section 4(C) of this Customer Service Plan.

If the alternate travel arrangements offered do not accommodate our passenger's travel needs, we will (a) in the case where a passenger is no longer at the point of origin indicated on the original ticket and the travel no longer serves a purpose because of the Flight Disruption, refund the ticket and provide to the passenger, free of charge, a confirmed reservation for a flight to that point of origin that accommodates the passenger's travel needs; and (b) in any other case, refund the unused portion of the ticket. Passengers who choose to take a ticket refund instead of alternate arrangements may be entitled to compensation in the amount of $400 (CAD) if their ticket is refunded due to an Extended Delay or cancellation that is within the control of ANA ‎(except where the Extended Delay or cancellation is required for safety ‎purposes).
In order to receive compensation, you must file a request for compensation with ANA within 1 year of the Extended Delay or cancellation.

ANA will refund the ticket and pay the compensation if it is applicable, within 30 days after the day on which we become obligated to provide it.

Alternate Travel Arrangements or Refund - situations outside ANA's control

  • Where the Extended Delay or flight cancellation occurs for ‎reasons ‎outside of our control as defined in the Air Passenger Protection ‎Regulations and described below, we will provide our passengers, free of ‎charge, with:
    1. a confirmed reservation for the next available flight that is operated by ‎us or our commercial partners, travelling on any reasonable air route ‎from the airport where the passenger is located to their destination, ‎and that departs within 48 hours of the departure time that is indicated on that ticket; or if not available
    2. one of the following two options of the passenger's choice:
      • a confirmed reservation for a flight that is operated by any air carrier, ‎travelling on any reasonable air route from the airport where the ‎passenger is located (or another airport within a reasonable distance) ‎to their destination, and if the new departure is at a different airport, ‎transportation to the other airport; or
      • a refund of any unused portion of the passenger's ticket.‎

Passengers who are eligible for a refund of the unused portion of their ticket, may choose to receive the refund any time prior to being provided with a confirmed reservation.

If a passenger who is eligible for a refund and has chosen to be refunded is no longer at the point of origin that is indicated on the original ticket and their travel no longer serves a purpose because of the delay or cancellation, we will refund the ticket and provide to the passenger, free of charge, a confirmed reservation for a flight to that point of origin that accommodates the passenger's travel needs.

  • Where the Denial of Boarding occurs for ‎reasons ‎outside of our control as defined in the Air Passenger Protection ‎Regulations and described below, we will provide our passengers, free of ‎charge, with:
    1. a confirmed reservation for the next available flight that is operated by ‎us or our commercial partners, travelling on any reasonable air route ‎from the airport where the passenger is located to their destination, ‎and that departs within 48 hours of the departure time that is indicated on that ticket; or if not available
    2. a confirmed reservation for a flight that is operated by any air carrier, ‎travelling on any reasonable air route from the airport where the ‎passenger is located (or another airport within a reasonable distance) ‎to their destination, and if the new departure is at a different airport, ‎transportation to the other airport.
  • A Flight Disruption is outside of our control if caused by events, including but not limited to, war or political instability, illegal acts or sabotage, meteorological conditions or natural disasters that make the safe operation of the aircraft impossible, instructions from air traffic control, a NOTAM, a security threat, airport operation issues, a medical emergency, a collision with wildlife, a labour disruption within ANA or within an essential service provider such as an airport or an air navigation service provider, a manufacturing defect in an aircraft that reduces the safety of passengers and that was identified by the manufacturer of the aircraft concerned, or by a competent authority, or an order or instruction from an official of a state or a law enforcement agency or from a person responsible for airport security.

In accordance with the Air Passenger Protection Regulations, ‎we will provide alternate travel arrangements that are comparable to those on the original ticket in case of an Extended Delay, cancellation or Denial of Boarding.
If the alternate travel arrangements provide for a higher class of service than the original ticket, we will not charge for the upgrade.

We will refund the cost of any additional services purchased in connection with our passenger's original ticket, if our passenger has been provided alternate travel arrangements and a) our passenger did not receive those services, or b) those services were paid for a second time.

ANA will refund the unused portion of the ticket, if applicable, within 30 days after the day on which we become obligated to provide it.

In accordance with the Air Passenger Protection Regulations, all refunds required under the regulations will be paid to the person who purchased the ticket or additional service, and will be paid using the original method of payment.

C.Denial of Boarding Procedure

Before a Denial of Boarding, we ask passengers to volunteer to give up their seat. If we offer a benefit to our volunteer(s) in exchange for giving up his/her seat, we will provide written confirmation of the benefit before the flight departs.
Where a Denial of Boarding occurs, we will give priority for boarding to passengers in the following order:

  • unaccompanied minors;
  • a person with a disability and their support person, service animal, or emotional support animal, if any;
  • a passenger who is travelling with family members; and
  • a passenger who was previously denied boarding on the same ticket.
  • The order of priority described above does not apply where the Denial of Boarding was caused by a situation outside of our control.
    We will make reasonable efforts not to cause a Denial of Boarding to a passenger who is already on board the aircraft but may do so where it is required for safety reasons.

Information about compensation for Denial of Boarding is set out in Section 4(B) of this Customer Service Plan.

D.Our Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays

Where a flight is delayed on a tarmac at a Canadian airport for three hours after the aircraft doors have been closed for take-off or after the flight has landed, we will allow passengers to disembark the aircraft.

  • The following cases are excluded: (1) where it is likely that take-off will occur less than three hours and 45 minutes after the doors of the aircraft are closed for take-off or after the flight has landed and ANA is able to continue providing passengers with the services described below; and (2) where it is not possible to provide an opportunity for passengers to disembark, including if it is not possible for reasons related to safety and security or to air traffic or customs control.

When allowing passengers to disembark, if feasible, we will give passengers with disabilities, and their support person, service animal or emotional support animal (if any) the opportunity to disembark first.
For all flights to, from and within Canada, in accordance with the Air Passenger Protection Regulations, we will use reasonable efforts to provide convenient and comfortable service to all customers in cases of tarmac delays. Specifically, we will provide passengers with the following, free of charge:

  1. Access to lavatories in working order;
  2. Proper ventilation and cooling or heating of the aircraft;
  3. If it is feasible to communicate with people outside of the aircraft, the means to do so; and
  4. Food and drink, in reasonable quantities, taking into account the length of the delay, the time of day and the location of the airport.

2.Lost or Damaged Baggage

We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that all checked baggage is available as soon as possible after a passenger's flight arrives at the gate and to avoid damage to the checked baggage.
In the unlikely event your baggage does not arrive at your destination with you, we will initiate a search and make reasonable efforts to return the baggage to you within 24 hours.
In the further unlikely event that your baggage cannot be located or your baggage is damaged, we will pay compensation for lost or damaged baggage as required by applicable international agreements and according to our Conditions of Carriage. Moreover, in cases of lost (even temporarily) or damaged baggage, we will reimburse passengers for any fees paid for carrying such baggage.

3.Assignment of Seats to Children under the Age of 14 Years

We make every effort to ensure that children under the age of 14 years is assigned a seat in close proximity to their parent, guardian or tutor in accordance with the following chart at no additional cost:

Age of Child Seating provided
4 years of age or younger Seat provided will be adjacent to parent, guardian, or tutor
‎5 to 11 years of age Seat provided will be in the same row as the child's parent, guardian, or tutor and that is separated from the child's parent, guardian, or tutor by no more than one seat or the space of an aisle
12 or 13 years of age Seat provided will be in a row that is separated from the row of the parent, guardian or tutor by no more than one row.
  • Please note that while ANA does not charge an additional fee for children to be seated adjacent to their parent, guardian or tutor, ANA may still enforce a seat selection fee if applicable.

On some flights, passengers, including children under the age of 14 years, may reserve a specified seat on a flight in advance. ANA aims to assign a seat to a child in close proximity to their parent, guardian or tutor before check-in.

If we are unable to assign a child a seat in close proximity to their parent, guardian or tutor, we try to assign seats:

  • At the time of check-in, if possible;
  • By asking for volunteers to change seats at the time of boarding; and
  • By asking for volunteers to change seats before take-off.

We will make every effort to ensure that children under the age of 14 years are assigned a seat in close proximity to their parent, guardian or tutor. To assist in this process, if you are traveling with a child under the age of 14 years, please contact ANA's Customer Service Center.

4.Information on treatment, compensation and recourse

A.Providing services to minimize inconvenience resulting from a Flight Disruption

We make every effort to ensure our flights operate on time and passengers are ‎not denied boarding. ‎However, in case of a Denial of Boarding and in the case of a delay or cancellation where passengers are informed of the delay or cancellation less than 12 hours before ‎the ‎departure and have waited two hours after the original departure time, we will provide the following treatment, free of charge:

  • Food and drink in reasonable quantities, taking into account the length of the wait, ‎the time of day and the location of the passenger; and
  • Access to a means of communication.‎
  • The following cases, however, are excluded: (1) where providing the services above would further delay the passenger; and (2) where the Flight Disruption was due to "situations outside the carrier's control" as defined in section 10(1) of the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (described above in section 1(B) of this Customer Service Plan).

ANA will provide overnight ‎accommodations (hotel or comparable) including round trip transportation ‎from the airport to the hotel or other accommodation, if ANA expects the ‎passenger will be required to wait overnight for a flight reserved or as part of ‎the alternate travel arrangements, in cases where the Extended Delay, ‎cancellation or Denial of Boarding was within ANA's control, including situations required for safety ‎reasons.

B.Compensation for Denial of Boarding

In the event that a passenger is denied boarding, and the cause of the Denial of Boarding was within our control (excluding situations within our control but required for safety purposes), affected passengers may be entitled to compensation, calculated based on your arrival time at destination, as follows:

Length of Delay Amount (CAD)
Less than 6 hours $900
‎Between 6 and 9 hours $1,800
9 hours or more $2,400

C.Compensation for Delay or Cancellation

If a flight delay or cancellation is within our control (excluding situations within our control but required for safety purposes) and passengers have been informed of the delay or cancellation 14 days or less before their original departure time, affected passengers may be entitled to compensation, calculated based on your arrival time at destination, as follows:

Length of Delay Amount (CAD)
Between 3 and 6 hours $400
‎Between 6 and 9 hours $700
9 hours or more $1,000

In order to receive compensation, you must file a request for compensation with ANA within 1 year of the flight delay or cancellation.


All of our terms and conditions of carriage to, from or within Canada (in some cases including connecting flights) can be found in our TariffOpen PDF in a new window..
If you believe you have received unfair treatment you may contact us on our contact information as follows:

ANA Mileage Club Members

Non Members

Alternatively, you may submit an air travel complaint to the Canadian Transportation AgencyOpens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines..

If you are denied boarding, your flight is cancelled or delayed for at least two hours, or your baggage is lost or damaged, you may be entitled to certain standards of treatment and compensation under the Air Passenger Protection Regulations. For more information about your passenger rights please contact your air carrier or visit the Canadian Transportation Agency's website.

Si l'embarquement vous est refusé, ou si votre vol est annulé ou retardé d'au moins deux heures ou si vos bagages sont perdus ou endommagés, vous pourriez avoir droit au titre du Règlement sur la protection des passagers aériens, à certains avantages au titre des normes de traitement applicables et à une indemnité. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur vos droits, veuillez communiquer avec votre transporteur aérien ou visiter le site Web de l'Office des transports du Canada.

5.For Passengers with Disabilities

ANA is subject to Part 2 of the Canadian ATPDR applicable to the services we offer for transportation of persons with a disability who are travelling on a flight between Canada and Japan. Please refer to "Information for Customers with Disabilities" for detailed services and the conditions that apply to those services.

If you would like to contact us about a matter aside from feedback/suggestions, please see below for the relevant point of contact.
ANA will be pleased to respond to your complaint within 30 days.

ANA Mileage Club Members

Non Members

Alternatively, you may submit an air travel complaint to the Canadian Transportation AgencyOpens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines..

6.Accessibility Plan under the Canada Act (ATPRR)

We will guide you through our accessibility plan prepared pursuant to Canada's Accessible Transportation Planning and Reporting Regulations (ATPRR).
By steadily implementing these measures in the plan, we will make further efforts to ensure that the services provided in connection with our scheduled flights to and from Canada are more comfortable and convenient for passengers with disabilities.