Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Traveling to and from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport

On this page, you will find the information you need to easily make your way through Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport to your destination.


  • From September 28, a satellite terminal will begin operating at Suvarnabhumi Airport.
  • Travelers coming from a country where there is a risk of contracting yellow fever are required to have an immunization certificate. Travelers who stay more than 12 hours at an airport in a country at risk of yellow fever due to a connecting flight are also required to have a vaccination certificate.
    For more information, please visit "Thai Health PassOpens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.".

Guide to Thailand's Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Arrival and departure terminal maps and other information for navigating through Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport.