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Self Service Check-in machine information

Passengers paying or reserving seats at the airport, and passengers without a reservation, please use the automated airport machines.


  • As of July 10, 2024, Edy exchange, receiving, and balance checking services will no longer be supported on self-service check-in machines.

  • As the various handling procedures will be different for flights operated by Japan Air Commuter and Amakusa Airlines, you are kindly requested to see the information on the Japan Air Commuter or Amakusa Airlines page before you travel on such flights.

Self Service Check-in machine

The machine is easy to use and enables customers to purchase tickets, complete boarding procedures, register their Shareholder's Benefit Number Notification Cards, print receipts, etc.

Four language options are available (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean).

  • *

    Payments can be made using credit cards or Rakuten Edy Electronic Money.(Cash payments are not accepted.)

Main Functions

  • Purchase of flight tickets (including Senior Special and Youth Special)

  • Check-in (maximum of 6 people)

  • Change flight or seats

  • Register miles / Check Balance

  • Receipt issue

  • Rakuten Edy menu

  • *

    As of July 10, 2024, Edy exchange, receiving, and balance checking services will no longer be supported on self-service check-in machines.

Image of Service

How to operate the machine

Related Information

Here you can learn about check-in using the self-service check-in machines or at the airport counter.

Customers who have completed the Online Check-in can proceed straight to security checkpoint.