Information for customers logging in


  • Before proceeding to log in, please be sure to read and accept the section on the purpose of using personal information in the ANA Privacy Policy.
  • If you are logging in for the first time, please see Points to Note.

To log in, please select Continue (Log In). If you do not want to log in, select Cancel.

The relevant information can be checked from Trouble Logging In and Privacy Policy on the top page when accessing the website on future occasions.

How to Login

There are two ways for you to log in: Enter your membership number and password each time or utilize cookies to log in automatically.

1.Entering the ANA Mileage Club Membership Number and Password with Each Log In

customers need to enter their ANA Mileage Club membership number and password every single time they want to log in.

2.Utilizing Cookies to Log In Automatically

By checking the Keep Me Logged In box on the top page, you will not need to re-enter your membership number or password for subsequent logins. However, customers will need to re-enter their password as a form of verification when making reservations, requesting awards, registering/revising personal information, etc.

The image on the screen shows the relevant part of the top page. The Keep Me Logged In box and text are surrounded by a red square.

  • If you want to bookmark a page,
    please bookmark a SSL protected page that appears after the Login screen.

Information about Members-only Top Page

On the members-only top page, you can check your mileage and ANA SKY COIN balances, register/change your member information, and perform various procedures.

  • Images are for illustrative purposes only.

Making Reservations and Purchases Even Easier!

For Japan domestic flight reservations, you can register not only your name and contact details, but also sectors, fares, your credit card number and more besides. Your registered details will then be entered automatically for reservations and purchases, making both of these processes all the easier.

For further information about the members-only top page, please see Logging In (Procedures).

To log in, please select Continue (Log In). If you do not want to log in, select Cancel.

The relevant information can be checked from Trouble Logging In and Privacy Policy on the top page when accessing the website on future occasions.