Various Conditions of ANA Milage Club Member Services

Various Conditions of ANA Milage Club Member Services

Please be advised that some changes will be made to the various conditions of ANA milage club member services.

1. ANA Japan Domestic Flight Awards

Please be advised that some changes will be made to various conditions of ANA Japan Domestic Flight Awards boarding on/after May 19, 2026, due to the renewal of ANA Japan domestic passenger service system.

Change of Validity Period

The validity period for ANA Japan Domestic Flight Awards tickets will be changed for boardings on/after May 19, 2026.
The itinerary must start within 1 year of ticket issuance, and the sectors other than the first sector of the itinerary must be used within one year from the itinerary start date.

Introduction of Itineraries with Connecting Flights

We will offer a new service for the itineraries with connecting flights for ANA Japan Domestic Flight Awards boarding on/after May 19, 2026.
More details of the terms and conditions will be announced on the ANA website around May 2025 (tentative).
The Required Mileage Chart for "4 Sectors Involving Okinawa's Outlying Islands" will be discontinued for boardings until May 18, 2026.

Change of Applicable Ages of Infants and Children

  • The applicable ages of infants and children will be changed as follows.
  • Infants also require a ticket.
    Please book and issue tickets for infants at the same time as accompanying adults after registering as an award user.
Item For boardings until May 18, 2026 For boardings on/after May 19, 2026
Infants 0-2 years old*1 0-1 years old*1
Children 3-11 years old 2-11 years old
  • *1.
    Fare is free of charge when infant travels on guardian's lap.
  • Infants and children occupying their own seat require the same mileage as an adult.

Procedures for Changes and Refunds When Using ANA Card Family Miles or ANA Mileage Club Family Account (AFA) Service

For boardings on/after May 19, 2026, reservation changes and refunds will be available via the ANA website for flight award tickets redeemed by combining miles of family members using the ANA Card Family Miles service or ANA Mileage Club Family Account (AFA) service.

Ticket Service Charge

For boardings on/after May 19, 2026, the Ticket Service Charge will be charged per passenger per award for new tickets issued at the ANA Domestic Reservation and Information Center in areas outside of Japan.
The Ticket Service Charge does not apply for procedures processed via the ANA website or at the ANA Domestic Reservation and Information Center in Japan.
Details will be announced on the ANA website around April 2025 (tentative).

2. Upgrade Awards

Introduction of ANA Japan Domestic Upgrade Awards

For boardings on/after May 19, 2026, passengers can use miles to upgrade their ANA domestic flight tickets from Economy Class to Premium Class.
Details will be announced on the ANA website around May 2025 (tentative).

Using ANA International Upgrade Awards for Segments within Japan

For boardings on/after May 19, 2026, passengers can use miles to upgrade their ANA international flight tickets from Economy Class to Premium Class for segments within Japan.
Details will be announced on the ANA website around May 2025 (tentative).

  • For boardings on/after May 19, 2026, the descriptions on the reservation search page for Japan domestic flights will change from "Premium Class" and "Economy Class" to "First Class (Premium Class)" and "Economy Class" respectively. There are no plans for any changes to the service following this change in terminology.

3. Premium Member Services

Please be advised that some changes will be made to the various conditions of Premium Member Services boardings on/after May 19, 2026.

Priority Reservations for ANA Japan Domestic Flight Awards and ANA Japan Domestic Upgrade Awards

Eligible Members


Primary Member
Accompanying passengers


Primary Member
Accompanying passengers


Primary Member
Accompanying passengers


Primary Member
Family Members
Accompanying passengers

For ANA Japan Domestic Flight Awards and ANA Japan Domestic Upgrade Awards boarding on/after May 19, 2026, members who are flying using their own miles are able to make priority reservations.
Reservations for accompanying passengers using the Premium member's miles and boarding under the same reservation number will also be given priority.

ANA Japan Domestic Flight Award Waitlisting Conditions Revised

Eligible Members


Primary Member
Accompanying passengers

For boardings on/after May 19, 2026, waitlisting can be accepted for 1 flight on 1 one-way sector.
Waitlisting requests cannot be made for round-trip and connecting itineraries.

The waitlist holding limit will be changed as follows.

For boardings until May 18, 2026 For boardings on/after May 19, 2026
Two weeks starting from the waitlist reservation acceptance date or two weeks prior to departure, whichever is earlier. Up to two weeks prior to departure
  • Waitlisting requests for flights boarding until May 18, 2026 cannot be changed to a boarding date on/after May 19, 2026.
  • Even if a seat is available on the waitlist, any segment of round-trip or connecting itineraries that has already been issued cannot be replaced.

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