Become a Flying Master!

Do the Quests with Professor Flyhigh

Let's clear the mission of professor Flyhigh and learn the points to note when boarding an airplane!

Let's start! Here are 3 people that work on the plane or at the airport. Can you remember them all?


Pilots are the ones who fly the plane. They make sure that the plane will take everyone to the destination safely.

Cabin Attendants

Cabin attendants help everyone on the plane. If you need help when you are on the plane, just ask them.

Ground Staff

Ground staff help everyone at the airport. If you need help at the airport, just ask them.

First, do these quests before boarding the plane!

Quest 1

Show people your name by wearing your name tag.

Check! ☐

Quest 2

Use the bathroom first to get ready for your adventure.

Check! ☐

Quest 3

You need to turn off your phone.

Check! ☐

Next, do these quests when you are on board!

Step 1

Sit down and do these quests.

Quest 1

Make sure to wear your seat belt.

Check! ☐

Quest 2

Many other people are on this adventure too, so be nice and do not kick their seat.

Check! ☐

Quest 3

Takeoffs and landings are very exciting. Turn off your video game so that you can see and hear what is happening.

Check! ☐

Step 2

Do these quests if you need help.

Quest 1

Find the button that lets you call a cabin attendant for help.

Check! ☐

Quest 2

When cabin attendants come to bring you something to drink and you are not sure what to choose, ask them what they have.

Check! ☐

Quest 3

Find the paper bag that is in the seat pocket. You can use this if you feel sick.

Check! ☐

There is one last quest after landing!

Quest 1

Cabin attendants will come help you after the plane lands, so you have to sit down and wait for them.

Check! ☐

Did you check off all the quests? If you did, then you are a flying master!