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Revision of the Fuel Surcharge

What is a fuel surcharge?

The fuel surcharge is an additional fee paid by passengers toward the cost of aviation fuel when a jump in the price of oil makes it impossible for ANA to cover this cost through its business efforts.Originally, the cost of aviation fuel was included in airfares, but it is now charged separately to the normal fare in response to instability in the price of aviation fuel and to make this cost transparent to passengers.

Revision of the fuel surcharge

  1. As a general rule, fuel surcharge is fixed for a two-month period. ANA will not amend this surcharge within the two-month period unless with concerned government approvals.

  2. The fuel surcharge may be amended according to the table below based on the two-month average of the Singapore Kerosene-type jet fuel price. In addition to this, the fuel surcharge will be converted to JPY, by using the average exchange rate of each evaluating period for itineraries originating in Japan.

    Ticketing date Announcement Evaluating period for the average fuel price
    April - May 2nd half of February The average from December to January
    June - July 2nd half of April The average from February to March
    August - September 2nd half of June The average from April to May
    October - November 2nd half of August The average from June to July
    December - January 2nd half of October The average from August to September
    February - March 2nd half of December The average from October to November
  3. However, if the two-month average of Singapore Kerosene-type jet fuel price falls below JPY6000 for itineraries originating in Japan, ANA will abolish the fuel surcharge at each respective sales point.

  4. Fuel Surcharge per passenger, one-way, is as follows.

Fare amount - From April 1, 2024 -

Fare amount - From April 1, 2025 -