Receiving statements (Performance Reports) by post

For customers who would like to receive statements by post
Statements can be sent at a cost of **500 miles** per statement. If you would like to receive your statements by post, they can be printed and sent to your registered address at a cost of **500 miles** per statement (up to four times per year).
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     Statements will be sent by post to customers who request them if they fulfill one of the following conditions:

    • Customers whose mileage balance has changed within the past three months

    • Customers who have completed retroactive registration procedures in the past three months

    • Customers who have redeemed Awards in the past three months

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    Statements will not be sent if you do not fulfill the conditions for issuance. In such cases, 500 miles will not be deducted.

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    A total of 500 miles will be deducted at the end of the final month in each applicable period for statement issuance (January-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December).

    Regardless of whether you receive your statement or not, the deducted 500 miles cannot be refunded.

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    If you have less than 500 miles in your mileage account, no statements will be sent.

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    Only the statement (Performance Report) will be sent. (Please be aware that no other materials will be included.)

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    The issuance fee of 500 miles will not be charged for statements sent by e-mail (ANA mileage information). If you would like to receive statements by e-mail, please specify this via the "Change e-mail address" page.