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Minato Oasis Uozu

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Encounter nature's three great wonders like mirages buried forest and firefly squids in Toyama Bay

Uozu in Toyama Prefecture is famous for mirage sightings. Minato Oasis Uozu is a great viewing spot for mirages and attracts numerous visitors coming to see the natural phenomenon during its season from April to June. At the Uozu Buried Forest Museum located in the same area, exhibits describe Toyama's mystical scenery of the buried forest and mirages. Also around the end of March, firefly squids, known as the "messengers of the sea," appear in Toyama Bay in a signal of spring's arrival with their dreamlike blue illuminations.

Mirages, nature's artwork created by lights and winds

A mirage is a natural phenomenon in which an image different from the actual scenery appears caused by the bend in light rays. Uozu is one of the rare areas in the world where mirages can be seen frequently during a certain period of the year, and the beaches around Uozu Port are even designated as Viewing Spots for Mirages. The Mirage Road, which runs in the north-south direction along the coastline of Uozu City, is a popular driving road that also offers a stunning view of the Northern Alps when the weather is clear.

Uozu Buried Forest Museum

The buried forest is one of the natural wonders of Toyama Bay. Actually a phenomenon found across the globe, the buried forest in Uozu occurred when a river flooded around 2,000 years ago and buried a virgin cedar forest under dirt, which later sunk beneath the sea. It is designated as Japan's special natural monument as valuable evidence of the climate change 2,000 years ago. The museum preserves and exhibits various items, including the root of a buried cedar tree approximately 500 years old. Minato Oasis Uozu also has other facilities including the Sea Station Shinkirou and a greenery area. If you witness a mirage in the Uozu area, you can receive a certificate issued by the Uozu City Tourist Association for sighting the natural wonder.

Café and Sweets KININAL

KININAL is a café located in the entrance hall of the Uozu Buried Forest Museum that serves sweets made from various seasonal fruits produced locally including pears, peaches, and apples. Its name KININAL has a double meaning from the Japanese phrase that can mean both "fruit on a tree" and "being curious." The specialty menu is a whole cake that looks exactly like a fruit, prompting a delightful surprise with tangy fruits and rich sweet cream on the inside. The café's eat-in area also has an open-air deck where you can enjoy delicious sweets and coffee while gazing at the magnificent mountains when the weather is nice.


Name Minato Oasis Uozu
Web Sites (In Japanese) https://uozu-kanko.jp/library/minato-oasis/Opens in a new window. In the case of an external site, it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
Address 2500-2 Muraki Teibowari, Uozu-shi, Toyama
Inquiries TEL: 0765-24-4301 (Sea Station Shinkirou)
TEL: 0765-22-1049 (Uozu Buried Forest Museum)
TEL: 0765-24-4014 (KININAL)

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