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  • Fukushima

Aizu Clan School Nisshinkan

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A leading school for children of the Aizu samurai families where Byakkotai also learned the traditional spirit of "Do not do what must not be done"

Nisshinkan was a school for children of the Aizu clan (now Fukushima Prefecture) built-in 1803 at end of the samurai period with the aim of fostering young talent. Children entered at the age of 10 and worked on academic studies as well as physical exercises including martial arts to instill both physical and mental discipline. The school produced many talented graduates. Within the area of 26,000 square meters were the martial arts hall, astronomical observatory and the swimming pond known for being the oldest swimming pool in Japan. The current Nisshinkan, which has been faithfully restored to the original design, now exhibits the magnificent architecture of the Edo Period (1603-1868) and the way children studied in the old days. You can experience Japanese archery and "zazen (Zen meditation)" as well as paint a fortune item "Akabeko" originated in the Aizu region.

The rules of conduct "Ju no Okite": the founding spirit of Aizu samurai warriors

Before entering Nisshinkan, sons of the samurai families joined a group called "Ju" formed by about 10 children to learn about the mindset and spirit of the Aizu samurai. Based on the rules of conduct called "Ju no Okite" with an ending phrase, "Do not do what must not be done," children received a strict upbringing as samurai children. The Aizu samurai spirit such as "live in righteousness without seeking profit" was built upon discipline and education from such a young age.


Name Aizu Clan School Nisshinkan
Website https://aizuwakamatsu.mylocal.jp/en_US/trip/spot-list/-/spotdetail/spotinfo/1000000089/3999496Opens in a new window. In the case of an external site, it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
Address 10 Takatsukayama, Minami Kouya, Kawahigashi-machi, Aizuwakamatsu-shi, Fukushima
Access Approximately 15 minutes' taxi ride from JR Aizuwakamatsu Station
From JR Aizuwakamatsu Station, take the Kawahigashi/Minato Line bus for approximately 25 minutes
Approximately 5 minutes' taxi ride from Hirota Station on the JR Banetsusai Line
Approximately 5 minutes' drive from the Bandai Kawahigashi IC on the Banetsu Expressway
Approximately 10 minutes' drive from the Aizu Wakamatsu IC on the Banetsu Expressway
Business Hours 9:00 to 17:00 (Last admission: 16:00)
Closed Open all year round
Inquiries TEL: 0242-75-2525
Admission Adults: 620 yen; Junior high school and high school students: 500 yen; Elementary school students: 450 yen

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