• Culture
  • Tottori

Kirinjishi Dance

Kirinjishi Dance has a horn with a gold-colored lion head with a motif of Holy Beast Kirin, with one horn and ears on the other hand.

Kirin is said to be one of the most notable legendary creatures of China's sacred beast but, for some people, Kirin is more respected and loved guardian. In the eastern part of Tottori, Inaba and the north west of Hyogo, Tajima, a fantastic Kirinjishi Dance is transmitted.

In Kirinjishinshimai, it is characterized by Ayashi, called "Shojo", with red stick about 1.5m in length and its res face, costume, hair which lead Kirinjishi Dance in movement.


Name Kirinjishi Dance
Web Sites (In Japanese) http://www.city.tottori.lg.jp/www/contents/1096970335312/
(In Japanese) https://www.tottori-inaba.jp/kirin/
Address 651 Miyanoshita, Kokufu-cho, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Inquiries TEL:0857-50-1785