Fare Information

Fare Rules

Learn all about the fare rules associated with your flight before you embark on your trip—including applicable fare and fuel surcharges.

For more specific information around ticketing service charges, please go here.

Information Regarding Fare

On this tab, you'll find helpful information around applicable fare as well as learn about ANA-affiliated fare and Star Alliance fare. Please visit our Fuel Surcharge tab to see which fees (if any) will apply to your flight.

Please be sure to check the fare rules at the time of booking. Learn more about fare conditions here.

Applicable Fare

This is the fare in effect on the date of ticket issuance and valid for the start date of the itinerary of your ticket. For this reason, no further charges or refunds will be incurred, even if the total amount changes after tickets have been issued due to fare, fuel surcharge, or insurance surcharge revisions.

Note: The applicable fare is determined at the time of purchase, regardless of the reservation date. In cases where the total amount changes between reservation and purchase due to fare, fuel surcharge, or insurance surcharge revisions, the fare at the time of purchase will apply even if it falls within the ticket time limit (excluding Keep My Fare).

See below for examples.

Example 1
Image depicting the situation above

On August 10, you paid 100,000 yen for a ticket for travel commencing on January 10. On October 3, the fare is decreased to 80,000 yen. There will be no refund of the JPY 20,000 difference.

Example 2
Image depicting the situation above

On August 10, you paid 100,000 yen for a ticket for travel commencing on January 10. On October 3, the fare is increased 120,000 yen. There will be no additional charge of the JPY 20,000 difference.

  • If a request is made to change completely unused tickets that have been purchased with a fare that allows this, the applicable fare and fees* will be determined upon making this change.
    • * If separately specified, the terms and conditions in the relevant fare rules will apply.
  • Upon doing so, the customer will be charged or refunded any differences resulting from fare, fuel surcharge, or insurance surcharge revisions.
Example 3
Image depicting the situation above

On February 15, you paid 100,000 yen for a ticket for travel commencing on April 1. On March 10, the fare is decreased to 80,000 yen for travel commencing on or after April 1. On March 25th, you change the departure date to April 3. In this instance, there will be a refund of the JPY 20,000 difference.

  • If a request is made to change partially used tickets purchased with a fare that allows this, the fare and fees applicable upon ticket issue will apply to the new itinerary.
  • The customer will be charged or refunded any differences resulting from changes to the fare, fuel surcharges, or insurance surcharges.

Japan Domestic Fare

To learn more about Japan domestic flight and the fare available to you, please visit the links below.

Star Alliance Fare

With the resources of 26 member airlines, the Star Alliance network connects continents in the most seamless and comfortable way.