There are 8 First Class, 64 Business Class, 24 Premium Economy, and 116 Economy Class seats. Seat rows are numbered from 1 to 42. Emergency exits are located on both sides at the front of the cabin, both sides in front of row 7, both sides behind row 16, both sides in front of row 30, and both sides at the back of the cabin.
First Class seats are in rows 1 and 2. The seat layout from left to right is A, aisle, D, G, aisle, K. These seats come with a table at the front.
Movable partitions are installed between seats 1D and 1G and seats 2D and 2G. Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.
Business Class seats are in rows 5 to 20. All the seats in rows 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19 are rear facing, and the seat layout from left to right for these rows is A, aisle, E, F, aisle, K. Seats A and F have a table on their left side, and seats E and K have a table on their right side. All the seats included in rows 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 are forward facing, and the seat layout from left to right for these rows is C, aisle, D, G, aisle, H. Seats C and G have a table on their left side, and seats D and H have a table on their right side. Movable partitions are installed between seats E and F and seats D and G for rows 5 to 20. Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.
Premium Economy seats are in rows 25 to 27. The seat layout from left to right is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, K. Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats. Shared Monitors are installed in front of row 25.
Shared Monitors can be connected as personal monitor uses.
Economy Class seats are in rows 30 to 42. The seat layout from left to right for row 30 is A, B, C, aisle, H, J, K. The seat layout from left to right for rows 31 to 38 is A, B, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, J, K. The seat layout from left to right for rows 39 to 41 is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H K. The seat layout from left to right for row 42 is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G. All seats in row 30 are emergency exit row seats.
Armrests are non-movable for all seats in row 30, seats D, E, F, and G in row 31 and seats A, B, C, H, J, and K in rows 38. Seats 30A and 30K do not have a window. Shared Monitors are installed in front of row 30 and in front of seats 31D, E, F, and G.
A wheelchair-accessible lavatory is located in front of seats 30A, B, and C. Lavatories equipped with a multi-function bidet and diaper changing table are located at the front of the cabin, behind seats 6C and 6H, and in front of seats 17A and 17K. A lavatory equipped with a diaper changing table is located behind seats 42F and 42G. A lavatory equipped with a multi-function bidet is located in front of seat 1A. Lavatories are located on both sides at the back of the cabin. Galleys are located at the front of the cabin, in front of row 7, behind row 16, in front of row 30, and at the back of the cabin.
A bar is located behind row 16.