
Safety Measures

Requests to avoid smoking on all flights
All domestic and international flights are now designated smoke-free, which means that all seats are now designated non-smoking seats. Your cooperation is needed in order to make the flight more enjoyable for all.

Can I smoke in the lavatory?
Laws in the U.S. and most other countries forbid smoking in airplane lavatories. It is very dangerous and can result in a fire.
This is why smoke detectors are installed in every airplane lavatory.
Please avoid smoking in the airplane lavatories as the activation of the smoke detector will seriously distress the other passengers. It is illegal to tamper with any smoke detection device.

Why are all seats smoke-free?
ANA has determined that it is impossible to separate the smoke and smell in a sealed area such as an aircraft cabin. The creation of smoke-free public places is a growing world trend. Since the cabin is a public place and smoking causes discomfort to many passengers, ANA has decided to make all seats smoke-free.

Your appreciation and cooperation is required for a safe and comfortable flight.