Developing Global Human Resources

To support acceleration of global business development, we have standardized ANA's management qualification system in Japan and overseas based on global job bands and developed a common human resources platform to move ahead with the flow of human resources across borders, optimal placement and active training and appointments. In regards to training, we have enhanced liberal arts and raised awareness of human rights, which are among the matters indispensable for being a global human resource. And to respond to passengers' increasingly diverse requirements, we have increased recruitment of non-Japanese cabin crew and set up the Global Promotion Division inside the Inflight Center to strengthen its response capabilities.

At ANA, the strengthening of our global response has been incorporated into our career development system as a pillar of our human development policies. For example, human development of those who will lead the international route business has been strengthened to a new level in such ways as dispatching ANA administrative career-track employees overseas up until their 10th year in the company, establishing a system to hone global awareness through actual experience and aiming to achieve group-wide language targets through a partnership deal concluded with EF Education First Ltd. to provide online language classes.

One Team,Star Alliance Training

2015 Intermediate Training (training provided one to three years after joining the Group)