Environmental Policies and Management

ANA Group Environmental Principles

  • The mindset to value the environment starts with recognition of the burden we place on the Earth.
  • We will use natural resources and energy with care and contribute to attaining a prosperous and sustainable society.
  • We will take the initiative in environment conservation activities and share our care for the Earth with people around the world.

ANA Group Environmental Policy

The ANA Group believes that business sustainability is based on a healthy global environment. Therefore, we recognize that efforts to protect the global environment, including addressing climate change, making effective use of limited resources, and preserving biodiversity, are important management issues, and we aim to be an environmentally leading airline group through all of the Group's business activities.

  1. We will precisely grasp and analyze the impact and dependence of our business activities* on the environment, and disclose it to society.
  2. We will not only comply with laws, regulations, and international norms but also engage in multi-stakeholder dialogues and work for environmental preservation based on social needs.
  3. We will promote measures to mitigate the environmental impact of our business activities including the reduction of CO2 emissions, resource waste, food waste, biodiversity conservation, environmental pollution prevention, noise reduction, etc., by actively pursuing and introducing new technologies and services through collaboration with our stakeholders.
  4. We will also pay constant attention to environmental considerations in our supply chain and promote environmentally friendly procurement. We will actively encourage our business partners and suppliers to adhere to and implement this policy in collaboration with us.
  5. We will contribute to the realization of a recycling society by strengthening the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) +R (Renewable) and waste management.
  6. We will provide appropriate education and training to all our officers and employees, and promote employee participation in environmental conservation activities to raise the awareness of each and every employee.
  7. We will strive to continuously improve our initiatives by regularly evaluating the impact of our business activities and the effectiveness of those initiatives.
  • Business activities include air transportation, cargo, logistics, and other business activities by group companies, as well as due diligence and M&A in connection with investments. In addition, the scope of this commitment cover supply chain.
  • The Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors in July 2023.

Implementation Structure and Environmental Management System

Implementation Structure

The ANA Group established the Group ESG Management Promotion Committee in accordance with Group ESG Management Promotion Committee Regulations. This committee, which operates under the guidance of the president and under the chairmanship of the director in charge of corporate sustainability (CEPO: Chief ESG Promotion Officer), consists of ANA HOLDINGS INC. and group company directors, executive officers, and the full-time Audit & Supervisory Board members of ANA HOLDINGS INC. The committee discusses core policies and measures related to ESG management, including risk management and compliance and progress against targets is monitored four times a year. In addition, important issues directly related to management are discussed at the Group Management Committee and reported to the Board of Directors and the Board of Corporate Auditors. The Board of Directors is tasked with formulating group-wide management policies and targets, including those related to climate change issues, and is responsible for overseeing the management and business execution of Group companies.
Based on these regulations, each Group company has appointed an ESG Promotion Officer (EPO) as the person responsible for promoting ESG management and participates as a member of the Group ESG Management Promotion Committee, and each Group company and department has an ESG Promotion Leader (EPL) to lead the ESG activities of their respective organization.
Matters discussed, resolved, and reported at the Board of Directors, Group Management Committee, and Group ESG Management Promotion Committee are shared and implemented throughout the entire Group in close collaboration with EPOs and EPLs. We also hold EPL meetings twice a year to share information in a comprehensive manner and promote initiatives at each Group company and department.
In addition, in order to realise the company's sustainable growth and increase its corporate value over the medium and long term, ESG management incorporates an objective and multifaceted approach, with 'CO2 emissions volume' and 'ESG external evaluation indicators', etc are used as evaluation indicators, which are also reflected in the officer remuneration.

Risk Management

Risk Management System

The Group ESG Management Promotion Committee formulates and implements basic measures and progress monitoring in accordance with the fundamental policy decided by the Board of Directors and the ANA Group Total Risk Management Regulations, which stipulate the basic terms of the group's risk management system.

At each Group company, a risk management organization is in place with an ESG Promotion Officer (EPO) and an ESG Promotion Leader (EPL) serving as the risk management supervisor and the person in charge of risk management activities, respectively.
Risks related to climate change are recognized as significant and handled within the framework of total risk management.

Total Risk Management Framework

Each Group company has established a framework using a risk management cycle (identifying, analyzing, and assessing a risk; examining and implementing risk management and reduction measures; and monitoring) to minimize risks. Every year, each Group company conducts business-specific risk assessment to identify risks. With regard to significant risks identified, necessary measures are taken and their progress, effectiveness and level of achievement are confirmed and evaluated. For issues including climate-related risk considered as requiring Group-wide approaches, General Administration takes the lead in implementing measures, and their progress is reported to the Group ESG Management Promotion Committee. In addition, matters that need to be reflected in policies and strategies of the Group are submitted to the Board of Directors.

Environmental Management System

Based on the above promotion and risk management systems, the ANA Group has created its own "Energy Management Standard" and established an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001, the Energy Conservation Law, the CFC Emission Control Law, and the Plastic Recycling Promotion Law to be enforced from April 2022. This management standard is programmed for efficiency improvement management, including planning (goal setting), data management, evaluation, improvement, and action in "energy," "water," "waste," and "CFCs.To manage progress, we use the energy data management system "ANA Eiims," the industrial waste management system "Smart Management," and the CFC management system "RaMS," and provide management education to Group companies every year.Through appropriate energy, water, and waste management, we ensure that equipment and facilities are inspected, maintained, and disposed of properly.

Dialogue with Stakeholders
Click here for details on the Environmental Dialogue

Environmental Violations

We have not received any fines or penalties related to environmental laws and regulations in the past four fiscal years.
