Energy Management


We consider environmental issues to be important in our business operations and are promoting efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from energy use through our policies.

SCOPE of Management

The ANA Group, with air transportation at its core, generates a large portion of its CO2 emissions from aviation fuel use. We manage the energy used in our business activities (CO2 emissions) and are deepening our efforts to reduce them.

Scope Energy % of all
Scope1 Aircraft Flight Jet fuel 98% - 99%
Scope1, 2 All Non-Aircraft Flight Electricity・Vehicle Fuel 1% - 2%


In line with TCFD recommendations, we analyze the risks and opportunities of climate change business impact and formulate strategies to achieve our environmental targets.

Disclosure based on TCFD recommendations

ANA Group Environmental Targets from FY2021

FY2030 FY2050
Reduce CO2 Emissions Aircraft Flight Net 10%+ reduction vs. FY2019 Net zero
All Non-Aircraft Flight 33%+ reduction vs. FY2019 Net zero

For more information

Environmental Targets and Information Disclosure

Progress and Evaluation

Unit 2019
Base Year
2021 2022 2023
Reduce CO2 Emissions Aircraft Flight % - ▲38 ▲24.3 ▲15.1
All Non-Aircraft Flight % - ▲25.2 ▲22.8 ▲21.4

For more information

Initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions

  • New Aircraft Technologies
    Introduction of fuel-efficient aircraft
  • Airframe modifications
    Reduction of CO₂ emissions by processing sharkskin (ribbed surface) on the sides of aircraft
Airport Special Vehicles
  • Upgrading to HV (Hybrid Vehicles), EV (Electric Vehicles), FCV (Fuel Cell Vehicles), etc.
Facilities and Equipment
  • Planned replacement with energy-efficient equipment

For more information

Employee Education on Environmental Issues

The ANA Group conducts e-learning programs on the environment several times a year to help employees understand the importance of ESG promotion and to enable them to provide appropriate guidance and take appropriate actions when dealing with customers.
We promote environmental education for our employees by providing them with educational programs based on the latest information to be learned from a global perspective, as well as the ANA Group's environmental targets, progress, and initiatives.

Example: 2023 Internal Training Materials
