Assistance for Disaster Reconstruction

Participation in Disaster Reconstruction Activities

In the first half of fiscal 2020, we experienced the heavy rains in July 2020. ANA Group executives and employees made donations to support the affected areas through the Japanese Red Cross Society. We also provided free seats on flights operated by ANA between the affected areas and other parts of the country to transport people to affected areas for relief and support activity immediately after the disaster, including the Japanese Red Cross Society and the Japan Platform, an NPO.

We also solicited ANA Mileage Club members to donate miles to support medical professionals in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Peace Winds Japan, an NPO, donated "UVBuster" devices which inactivates the virus to three hospitals in Tokyo and Osaka. They are used in disinfection procedures in those hospitals, helping reduce the burden on medical personnel.

ANA Kokoro-no-Mori Project

Since July 2012, the ANA Group has been implementing the ANA Kokoro-no-Mori Project in Minami Sanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, to support the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and conserve the environment. In this project, ANA Group employees from all over Japan participate in volunteer activities such as thinning and forest road maintenance in the ANA Kokoro-no-Mori in Minami Sanriku. In order to remember the damage caused by the disaster, the participants are told about the tsunami by the storytellers at the Minamisanriku Training Center.
On the other hand, the disaster has led to a decrease in the number of people in Minamisanriku Town who are responsible for maintaining the forests. By helping out in this situation and thinning and maintaining the forests appropriately, we can not only let light into the forest and create rich soil so that the trees can grow strong but also protect the forest's wildlife and ecosystem.
In addition, by commercializing and selling the thinned wood at a local factory, we are also aiming to create employment for those involved in forest maintenance and product manufacturing. In October 2020, the Minamisanriku Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) presented us with a model aircraft made from FSC®-certified wood.
In 2023, after the coronavirus pandemic, we recruited volunteers for the first time in four years, and we are currently working on activities while deepening our exchanges with local people.

Thinning out trees in the Forest
The Forest after thinning