
What is Open-jaw?

Open-jaw is an itinerary that uses different means of transport, available in your area of departure, destination or both, to take you on trips to other locations.

There are three types of itineraries as shown below.

1. Point of arrival on outward journey different to point of departure on return journey
Outward journey: Tokyo - Los Angeles -(via car, train, etc.)- San Francisco
Return journey: San Francisco - Tokyo

Image of Point of arrival on outward journey different to point of departure on return journey

2. Point of departure on outward journey different to point of arrival on return journey
Outward journey: Tokyo - Shanghai
Return journey: Shanghai - Osaka

Image of Point of departure on outward journey different to point of arrival on return journey

3. Both 1. and 2.
Outward journey: Tokyo - Guangzhou -(via car, train, etc.)- Hong Kong
Return journey: Hong Kong - Nagoya

Image of Both 1. and 2.