Flight Status (Domestic)

Specify the route and date or the flight number and date, and then click on Search.

  • *

    For Japan Air Commuter (JAC)/Amakusa Airline (AMX) operated flights, please check the flight status on the operator's website.


Specify the route and date or the flight number and date, and then click on Search.

Operation Information

  • Daily Operation Outlook

    March 04, 2025 06:30(JST)

    Flights to/from the following airports may be delayed, canceled, diverted or return to their departure airports due to bad weather.
    Eligible flights may vary depending on the aircraft type and flight operating time.
    Latest flight status can be checked in "Flight number search" or "Airport search" from one day before the departure date.

    • March 04, 2025

      • Tohoku/Hokurikunoto : low visibility
      • Kanto/Tokai/KinkiTokyo Narita, Tokyo Haneda (P.M.) : snow
        Hachijojima : strong wind
      • Chugoku/ShikokuHagi Iwami, Takamatsu : low visibility
      • Kyushu/OkinawaKumamoto, Tsushima, Goto Fukue, Miyazaki : low visibility
      Changes/Refunds When Flight Delays or Cancellations Are Expected
      You may change (transfer) your flight and receive a refund without incurring a fee for the flight departing to/from "Eligible Airports", even if flights are not delayed or cancelled.
      *There are flights, other than those listed above, that are eligible for ticket changes and refunds. For details, please check your flights in "Flight Status".
      Changes (transfers) and refunds can be made on the ANA website. To make changes or refunds in your reservations, click here.

    • *Flight information for code share flights operated by partner airlines are not included on this page.

    • *We support your travels in a timely manner via Email/ANA APP/SMS. Please check here for details.

Procedure to change (transfer) and refund