Internal Control System

Basic Opinions on Internal Control System and the Progress of System Development

Our company has established a basic policy on the development of an internal control system by resolution of the Board of Directors in order to ensure the appropriateness of operations as prescribed in the Companies Act. The internal control system is developed and operated as follows.

  1. (1) System to Ensure that Duties Executed by Directors and Employees are in Compliance with the Law and Articles of Incorporation
  2. (2) System for Storing and Managing Information Related to the Execution of Duties by Directors
  3. (3) Rules and Other Systems Regarding Management of Loss Risk
  4. (4) System for Ensuring Efficient Business Execution by Directors
  5. (5) System for Ensuring Appropriate Business Operations by the Company and its Subsidiaries
  6. (6) Matters Regarding Employees who Assist Audit and Supervisory Board Members in their Duties in Cases where Audit and Supervisory Board Members Request Appointment of such Employees
  7. (7) Matters regarding Independence from Directors of the Employees Described in the Preceding Item (6) and Matters Regarding the Effectiveness of Audit and Supervisory Board Members' Instructions to Such Employees
  8. (8) System of Reporting to the Company's Audit and Supervisory Board Members
  9. (9) System for Ensuring Persons Make Reports in the Previous Item (8) are Not Treated Disadvantageously due to Making the Report
  10. (10) Matters Concerning the Treatment on Disposal of Expenses and Debt Arising from the Implementation of Duties by the Company's Audit and Supervisory Board Members
  11. (11) Other Systems for Ensuring Effectiveness of Auditing by the Company's Audit and Supervisory Board Members

Functions of the Internal Audit Division

The Internal Audit Division, which reports directly to the president and CEO, audits the operations and accounts of ANA HOLDINGS INC. and group companies and conducts evaluations from an independent, objective perspective that correspond to the standards in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act on the reporting system for the internal control over financial reporting. Audits are comprised of regular audits, which are conducted in accordance with annual audit plans, and intermit-tent audits conducted at the discretion of management. Regular audits are impartially and objectively conducted based on risk analyses of each division and group companies. The results of audits are reported to the president and CEO every month and to the Audit & Supervisory Board members when needed.