This website contains statements based on ANA's current plans, estimates, strategies, and beliefs; all statements that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. These statements represent the judgments and hypotheses of the Company's managers based on currently available information. Air transportation, the Company's core business, involves government-mandated costs that are beyond the Company's control, such as airport utilization fees and fuel taxes. In addition, conditions in the markets served by the Company are subject to significant fluctuations. It is possible that these conditions will change dramatically due to a number of factors, such as trends in technologies, demand, prices, and economic environments; foreign exchange rate fluctuations; and others. Due to these risks and uncertainties, it is possible that the Company's future performance will differ significantly from the contents of this website. Accordingly, there is no assurance that the forward-looking statements in this website will prove to be accurate. ANA assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from the use of this website or its content such as, but not limited to, that related to the use of erroneous information or the downloading of data.

This website disclosed here is for reference purposes only. Final investment decisions should be made at your discretion.