Relationships With Stakeholders

The ANA Group conducts business activities through relationships with our stakeholders.
We engage in ongoing dialogue with stakeholders to build trust and offer peace of mind. As we do so, we increase the effectiveness of our strategies by incorporating the opinions and requests of stakeholders into our businesses.

Major Stakeholders

The ANA Group's Relationships with Stakeholders

ANA Group Responsibilities Major Means of Dialogue
  • We raise the level of security and trust with safety as our unequivocal mission in all our businesses.
  • We aim to be the world's leading airline group in customer satisfaction by creating new value while taking our customers' viewpoints at all times.
  • ANA Customer Service Desk
  • ANA Disability Desk for Passengers Who Require Assistance
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • In-flight Comment Card
  • Group Interview
Shareholders and Investors
  • To increase shareholder value, we are constructing a strong enterprise that is able to generate stable earnings and provide a continuous return on investment.
  • We conduct timely and appropriate disclosure of corporate information.
  • General Meeting of Shareholders and Investor Presentations
  • Investor Relations Activities
  • Questionnaires About Socially Responsible Investment
  • Publication of the ANA VISION Booklet for Shareholders
Business Partners
  • We conduct fair trading while maintaining legal and regulatory compliance based on the ANA Group Procurement Policy.
  • We value partnerships with our trading partners, cooperative partners, alliance companies, and other organizations. We aim to grow with these partners while working together to realize a sustainable society.
  • Partner Briefings, Training, Meetings for Opinion Exchange
  • Questionnaires for Business Partners
  • Partner Worksite Tours
  • Projects With Airline Alliance Partners
  • By respecting human rights and supporting independent growth and diverse working styles, we aim to be a corporate group where our employees can display their capabilities through motivated work irrespective of age, gender or nationality.
  • Internal Newsletter
  • Employee Satisfaction Survey
  • Education, Seminars, E-Learning Courses
  • Internal Reporting System
  • Labor and Management Conferences
  • Labor-Management communication such as joint events
Public Authorities
  • We fulfill all obligations, such as legal and regulatory compliance and tax obligations.
  • We actively collaborate with and support solutions aimed at sustainable development of Japan and global society.
  • Activities Through Industry Organizations and the IATA
  • Providing opinions in government councils
  • Joint Public-Private Sector Projects
  • We work toward regional revitalization through expanding the number of people involved in community interactions and vitalization of regional economies.
  • We contribute to resolving social issues through social contribution activities in areas served by our domestic and international routes.
  • Communication and Partnership With NGOs, NPOs, and Local Governments
  • Participation in Reconstruction and Volunteer Activities
  • Educational Support for the Next Generation
  • We engage in the reduction of our environmental impact through anti-climate change activities , biodiversity conservation, and other environmental initiatives.
  • Reducing Environmental Impact
  • Disclosure of Information Through Our Annual Report, Website, Etc.
  • In formulating medium- to long-term business strategies and reforming the business structure, ANA will engage in dialogue with the above stakeholders (employees and labor unions, business partners, government, local communities, etc.) as appropriate in light of the impact of such efforts.