Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with Stakeholders

Major Activities in FY2022

Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with Overseas Stakeholders

In October 2022, the ANA Group held an online dialogue with experts in the field of "Business and Human Rights".

Theme: Progress of Initiatives Relating to the ANA Group's Business and Human Rights

Schedule: October 17, 2022, 16:00-17:40

Stakeholders participated online:

  • World Benchmarking Alliance
    Sofía del Valle, Engagement Manager, Social Transformation
    Talya Swissa, Research Project Manager
  • UNDP
    Sean Christopher Lees, Bangkok Regional Hub Business and Human Rights Specialist

General Coordination
Caux Round Table Japan
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director)

Chikako Miyata (Executive Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others

Main Opinions from Stakeholders

Discussions were held regarding new human rights themes to be considered in the future and their risks.

Use of customer information considering privacy

  • Privacy requirements should include a commitment as a company to protect privacy rights and a globally published statement that sets out the rules for collecting and sharing personal information and access. The following three points are important in a privacy statement:
    1. It must be made clear what personal information will be collected
    2. It must be made clear with whom (third parties) the collected personal information will be shared
    3. Users must be able to know what personal information was collected
  • It needs to be noted that using the information collected by a company to form opinions on policies and regulations constitutes an abuse of information.

Identifying human rights and environmental challenges along the value chain

  • The correct approach is to first select the specific products that the ANA Group is involved with from production to sales, and then identify the human rights and environmental challenges assumed in each process along the value chain. However, from the perspective of human rights due diligence, it is necessary to consider the following three principles when selecting challenges:
    1. How many people will be affected
    2. How significant the impact is
    3. What remedial measures can be applied
  • When considering climate change responses and human rights due diligence together, it is necessary for a company to understand the impact they have on climate change and reflect this in their business model.
  • When it comes to climate change, methane needs to be considered in addition to CO2 emissions. Some companies have incorporated methane reduction into their procurement policies. In addition, improving fuel efficiency for vehicles other than airplanes used in business is also an initiative regarding the supply chain.
  • In the value chain flow, it is important to first conduct a risk assessment for contracted business partners. Once a business relationship has been established, it is important to ensure business is conducted in accordance with ANA's policies, and to have the company demand the same from their contracted suppliers. Providing incentives (contract amount increases, order increases, contract extensions, etc.) to suppliers for complying with the company's human rights policies would promote efforts to respect human rights in business decisions.