Diverse Work Styles (Support for Work-Life Balance)
We are advancing the creation of a workplace that supports and embraces diverse work styles, such as balancing work with childcare or elderly care, for each individual.
Support for Balancing Work and Childcare
Childcare-related Work-Systems
Leave and Absence
- Time off for doctor's appointments during pregnancy
- Childcare leave: available to both male and female parents for 52 weeks with the childcare leave benefit (Benefit cost is partially contributed by the company)
- Time off for childcare and sick care
- Paid leave for child birth (for 3 days)
- Childcare days
Working Hours
- Reduction of work hours during pregnancy
- Reduction of work hours
- Reduction of work days
- Overtime exemptions / limits
- Exemption from late-night work
- Mother's space for breast-feeding/lactation
Initiatives to support Childcare
Diversified working styles: Initiatives Regarding Male Parental Leave Uptake
We are advancing the establishment of programs to support employees in having a fulfilling life, such as balancing childcare and nursing responsibilities. Additionally, by promoting understanding among not only the individuals but also supervisors and workplaces, we have increased the uptake rate of male parental leave and absence. We have expanded the previously available 3-day parental leave(paid leave), which was only applicable to certain companies, across the entire Group to encourage male employees to participate in childcare.
*ANA Group: ANA HOLDINGS, 37 subsidiaries to which the Group company management rule applies, totaling 38 companies
E-Learning to Support for Balancing Work and Childcare
We implemented the "Work-Life Balance Support E-Learning" to assist employees in balancing work and childcare responsibilities, addressing this challenge in a more flexible and effective manner. This initiative not only focuses on enhancing individual skills but also emphasizes fostering understanding and cooperation within the workplace. Through understanding and empathy, we aim to support employees and their families in building happy and fulfilling lives.
Work-Life Balance Support Tools
We provide various helpful information for employees when returning to work after a leave of absence and about balancing work and childcare.
Training for Managers
We conduct training for managers who have employees returning to work after childcare leave to promote understanding of the environment for employees in the childcare phase. We provide tips and communication guidance for management on how to support the growth and success of employees returning to work after childcare leave.
Corporate Daycare Centers
To ensure that employees can work with peace of mind, we have established corporate daycare centers at Haneda Airport and Naha Airport. Our aim is to support the healthy growth of children and provide childcare that values individuality. These daycare centers also serve as a place for communication among the Group's employees.
The “Hello Baby Card”
The "Hello Baby Card" is a special initiative that provides an opportunity to send encouragement to employees who have become new parents. This initiative was created as part of our commitment to valuing the harmony between family and work and nurturing a culture of empathy and support.
A list of initiatives based on life events
Support for Balancing Work and Elderly Care
Elderly Care Related
Leave and Absence
- Elderly/sick care leave (special paid carryover leave within a maximum of 17 weeks)
- Elderly/sick care days
Working Hours
- Reduction of work hours
- Reduction of work days
- Overtime exemptions / limits
- Exemption from late-night work
Elderly Care Support Initiatives - Balancing Work and Caregiving
- Provision of Self-Learning Tools for General and Managerial-Level Employees
- Creation of Support Materials
- Establishment of Elderly Care Support and Counseling Hotline
Supporting Diverse Workstyles
We continue to review systems and expand options for diverse work styles and work-life management
Dual Employment and Side Jobs
- External: Encouraging the acquisition of new knowledge and skills through experiences not available within the company
- Internal: Solicit volunteers for dual employment in specific departments within the group, providing opportunities to experience work not available in their own departments
Sabbatical Leave System (ANA)
Leave system used for various purposes such as study abroad, self-development, childcare, and nursing care
- Choose a leave of absence period from 1 month to a maximum of 2 years
- No restrictions on reasons for leave of absence
- Sabbatical grants available to alleviate concerns about living conditions
New Work Styles for Flight Attendants (ANA)
New (fiscal 2022) option for fewer work days, with approximately 3,000 employees opting for the system
- Option to work only domestic or only international flights
- Choice of working 80% or 50% of normal work hours
- Work system allowing designation of home base
→Systems will continue to operate with certain changes in fiscal 2023