We are promoting the creation of an environment that respects diverse genders.
Our Aspiration
We respect the diversity of our employees at ANA Group. By working together to consider and resolve our differences and the support we need, we aim to create a workplace where everyone can demonstrate their abilities and transform their individual strengths into organizational strengths. We have established training and systems to eliminate discrimination and prejudice based on our "ANA Group LGBTQ+ Policy". We will continue to improve the working environment and expand the number of people who understand diversity through the Ally activities and communication to society.
Executive Vice President
Group CDO
(Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer)
ANA Group LGBTQ+ Policy
We have established a group-wide policy aimed at respecting diverse sexual orientations and identities, and we are committed to creating a workplace environment where all employees can work without facing discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Policies related to LGBTQ+
- Recognition of same-sex partners as spouses
- Recognition of children of same-sex partners (in some companies)
- Recognition of partnership certificates issued by local governments (in some companies)
- Development of guidelines for inappropriate responses related to coming out
- Explicit prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in employment rules
Main Initiatives
Creating an Inclusive Environment
- Establishment of policies that allow each employee to perform to their fullest potential regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity
- Establishment of Consultation Services
Raising Awareness
- ALLY Activities
- Conduction of seminars for all employees/management/top management
- Creation of learning tools (handbooks, videos)
- Awareness activities during Pride Month
Contributing to the Society
- Sponsorship of LGBTQ+ support organizations
- Participation in "Tokyo Rainbow Pride"
- Conduction of external seminars (universities, etc.)
External Evaluation
work with Pride "PRIDE Index 2024"
ANA Group 36 of its companies received ”Gold" recognition in the "PRIDE Index 2024" assessment by "Work With Pride," a Japan-based nonprofit organization.ANA has earned the highest rating, "Gold," on the PRIDE Index for nine consecutive years.