Basic Approach
The ANA Group is aware that we are expected to promote CSR measures not just in our own business activities, but throughout the entire supply chain, which includes suppliers, manufacturers and contractors. In April 2013, we added a Supplier Management Policy and CSR Guidelines to the ANA Group Purchasing Policy, and distributed them to companies involved with our business partners. The CSR Guidelines were formulated with reference to ISO26000, a set of international guidelines for CSR, and cover subjects including legal compliance, human rights, labor practices and the environment. This policy will play an important role in choosing purchasing and transaction partners, and we will proactively work to gain their understanding and cooperation through measures such as regular CSR monitoring surveys to follow up on their initiatives.
We are also working to unify and standardize purchasing procedures within the Group to strengthen compliance and cost competitiveness. Our new electronic purchasing system has dramatically reformed procurement by giving an overall grasp of structure, methods and scope. We are once again raising awareness of the importance of this system throughout the Group.