Regional Revitalization
We will pursue our corporate activities while placing importance on our relationships with local communities. At the same time, we strive to expand interactions among people and revitalize local economies.
- Contributions to SDGs
Basic Approach
Regional revitalization is an initiative to overcome regional issues such as declining populations, low birthrates, aging demographics, and shrinking economies, as well as to ensure the revitalization of regions going forward.
Beyond air transportation, the ANA Group aims to resolve regional issues while creating new encounters among people, goods, and experiences. We are committed to growing regional fan bases and expanding the number of people with whom we interact and build relationships. Working in unison with local communities is crucial to resolving issues. We create deeper ties with local communitiesby coordinating with regional representative branches nationwide and building close relationships with local governments and businesses throughout Japan.
Based on the relationhips of trust we build with local communities through our Air Transportation and Travel Services businesses, we work to revitalize regions by leveraging the strengths and assets of the ANA Group while making the most of the charms of each region.
Implementation Structure
ANA Akindo leads in regional revitalization, collaborating with group companies and working together with local communities to solve regional issues based on its 33 branches nationwide engaged in community-based activities. The company continues to hold the ANA Group Regional Revitalization Meeting with ANA Group companies, aiming to create an organization that encourages new value creation through group company collaboration. To this end, ANA Akindo also established the Group Regional Revitalization Steering Committee, which consists of executives in charge of each group company, in fiscal 2023.

Major Initiatives
Related Information
Contributing to revitalize local communities by resolving regional issues (In Japanese only)
Promoting the appeal of locally produced goods (In Japanese only)
Disseminate information on tourist destinations around Japan and recommended travel Plans
Promoting regional revitalization through the "Kitamae-bune", Japanese Heritage Site