The ANA Group Safety Principles and Course of ANA Group Safety Action

Safety is the foundation of ANA Group management and maintaining safety is the unequivocal mission of every business of the ANA Group, regardless of business category or brand. Most notably, safe flight operations are supported by the collaborative efforts between various employees performing different jobs, and thus rely heavily on mutual understanding and trust. It is for this reason that all ANA Group employees pledge to observe our safety principles and course of safety action. The principles and the course of safety action are both held in high regard at all Group workplaces, and are at the forefront of employees' minds as they perform their daily duties and serve as the basis for how they act.

The ANA Group Safety Principles

Safety is our promise to the public
and is the foundation of our business.

Safety is assured by an integrated
management system and mutual respect.

Safety is enhanced through
individual performance and dedication.

The ANA Group Safety Principles were established for the purpose of defining the rules all executive and non-executive employees should follow when performing their daily duties. These principles are shared across the ANA Group and serve as the foundation upon which the entire Group pursues safe flight operations.

Safety is our promise to the public and is the foundation of our business.

In our endeavor to maintain safety, we have a social obligation to protect not only our customers' lives, physical health and assets, but also that of ourselves. If we are unable to fulfill this obligation, our existence as a company will be endangered. As safety serves as the foundation of our business operations, it is vital for our development that we take deliberate steps to both maintain and improve it.

Safety is assured by an integrated management system and mutual respect.

Safety can only be achieved when all organizations within the Group are working together to ensure their prescribed duties are performed without fail. Mutual understanding and trust form the foundation upon which organizations work together to conduct operations. Along with efforts to constantly keep cross-organizational cooperation, safety maintenance and other such systems up to date and optimized, mutual understanding and trust are essential for the continuous maintenance and improvement of safety.

Safety is enhanced through individual performance and dedication.

When implementing the abovementioned systems, each member of the ANA Group will fully keep in mind that it is their responsibility to ensure safety by constantly confirming its status and making improvements accordingly. Through this awareness, each member will proactively take action in the sincere pursuit of a more robust form of safety.

The Course of ANA Group Safety Action

  1. 1.Strictly observe rules & regulations, and all actions will be grounded on safety.
  2. 2.As a professional, place safety as the #1 priority while keeping in mind your health.
  3. 3.Address any questions and sincerely accept opinions of others.
  4. 4.Information will accurately be reported and shared in a timely manner.
  5. 5.Continuous self-improvement for prevention and avoiding re-occurrence.
  6. 6.Lessons learned from experiences, and increase skills for risk awareness.