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Retroactive Registration Results

Miles Earned from ANA Partner Airline Flights

Information on Retroactive Mileage Registration Results

  • Please check Status of retroactive registration procedures or Activity Details on your mileage account.

  • If there are any corrections to your application details or any documentation is insufficient, please complete the retroactive registration procedures again within six months of the boarding date.

  • For e-mail applications, please provide your boarding date, flight number and sector, along with confirmation documentation attachments, to the following point of contact and request retroactive registration.

    • *

      It will take approximately one month to complete the procedures. In addition, we cannot provide individual responses, so please check the status of your retroactive registration for yourself.

  • If "Not eligible for accrual" is displayed, the fare type (Japan domestic flights) or the booking class (International flights) may not be eligible for mileage accrual. Please check below to see the flights eligible for mileage accrual.

    • *

      If you want to check your booking class with your e-ticket receipt or boarding pass for an international flight, please refer to Examples of Where Information Can Be Found within Confirmation Documents.

    • *

      The "Y Class" on international flights may be used as a booking class or as a generic term for economy class. Even if you enter "Y Class" as your booking class, the partner airline will still determine the correct booking class and send the accrual eligibility data to us. Due to this, if the answer is that the class is not eligible for mileage accrual, it will be ineligible for mileage accrual.

    If "Not eligible for accrual" is displayed even when though fare type or booking class is eligible, please contact the Contact us by email.

    When making an e-mail inquiry, please enter "Retroactive Registration Results" in the subject line, and include your name as written on the ticket, date of travel, flight number (route), ticket number, and booking class (for international flights only) and attach your confirmation documentation.

Miles Earned from ANA Partner Airline Flights

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