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BBSS Online for ANA

  • AMC

This online store specializes in security products and is run by BBSS Corporation, which is a wholly owned subsidy of SB C&S and mainly provides security services.


  • This partnership will end on October 20, 2023, and will no longer applicable for mileage accrual.

Mileage Accrual

Mileage Accrual Rate

1 mile for every JPY 200 (including tax) spent on services

Mileage Accrual Eligibility

All BBSS Online for ANA products

How to Accrue Miles

Please enter your 10-digit ANA Mileage Club membership number upon making your purchase.
Every month, the amounts that are paid under your ANA Mileage Club membership number will be aggregated, and the resulting value will be divided by 200 and rounded down to the nearest whole number. You will then accrue this number in miles

Mileage Accrual Date

Around 1 to 2 months after service usage


  • You will not be able to accrue mileage if your 10-digit ANA Mileage Club membership number is invalid or if there is a mistake in the information you have provided. Please enter your membership number correctly.

Contact Information

BBSS Online Support Center

Operator hours: Monday-Friday, 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 (not available during the year-end/New Year Holiday period or on national holidays)