New Membership Registration

Customer Information, Address, e-mail, Password Information

Name on Your Passport

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  • Please enter your name as it is shown on your passport.
  • To register your middle name, please enter it in the First Name field and do not enter a space before it.
  • Please enter the date in the format yyyy/mm/dd.
  • Example:2001/01/01


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  • You can use up to 40 half-width alphabet characters.
  • You can use up to 40 half-width alphabet characters.
  • Cell phone numbers can also be registered.
  • Hyphens will be entered automatically.
  • If your cell phone number is outside Japan, please enter it in the "Home Phone Number" field.
  • If your cell phone number is outside Japan, please enter it in the "Work phone number" field.

Place of Work

  • You can use up to 50 half-width alphabet characters.
  • You can use up to 50 half-width alphabet characters.
  • You can use up to 50 half-width alphabet characters.

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:Input with software keyboard

  • Between 8 and 16 half-width alphabet characters and numbers
  • 4 half-width numbers

AMC Card

Card TypeRequired

Terms and Conditions

Please agree to the terms and conditions and then proceed to the confirmation screen.

Terms and Conditions of the ANA Mileage Club

Chapter 1 General Rules

Article 1 Purpose
All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “ANA”) manages the ANA Mileage Club (hereinafter referred to as “ANA Mileage Club”), a membership program that provides Awards to its customers in return for their use of the products and services of ANA and its Participating Program Partners. These ANA Mileage Club Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as these “Terms and Conditions”) set out the various conditions agreed between the Members and ANA on the use of the ANA Mileage Club. By becoming or continuing to be a Member of ANA Mileage Club, the Members are considered to agree that these Terms and Conditions apply to their use of the ANA Mileage Club. In using the ANA Mileage Club, these Terms and Conditions, as well as details of the Awards, number of Miles to be accrued, conditions for accruing Miles, required Miles and other conditions separately provided by ANA, will apply.
Article 2 Definitions
  • “Member”
    means a customer who has applied to join the ANA Mileage Club and whose membership has been approved by ANA.
  • “Miles”
    means points that a Member earns (hereinafter referred to as “accrue” or “accrual”) by using the eligible services, etc., and which can be used for the redemption of Awards.
  • “Bonus Miles”
    means the Miles earned, in addition to the regular accrued Miles, when the prescribed conditions are satisfied.
  • “Mileage Account”
    means the account to which accrued Miles are credited.
  • “Awards”
    means the products and services provided by ANA or Participating Program Partners (including Partner Airlines) at the Member's request for the redemption of Miles.
  • “Flight Awards”
    means flight tickets offered by ANA or its Partner Airlines as Awards.
  • “Upgrade Awards”
    means Awards whereby a service is provided to upgrade flight classes under prescribed conditions.
  • “Partner Airline”
    means an airline that offers Miles to accrue, Flight Awards or Upgrade Awards to Members under certain conditions.
  • “Participating Program Partner”
    means a company that offers Miles to accrue or products and services as Awards to Members who use its products and services based on its partnership with ANA.
  • “Membership Card”
    is a general term for various types of ANA Mileage Club Cards issued to Members to show their ANA Mileage Club membership. This includes ANA Mileage Club Cards, ANA Cards and Affiliated Cards (including digital cards).
  • “ANA Mileage Club Card”
    means a Membership Card issued independently by ANA.
  • “ANA Card”
    means a Membership Card jointly issued by ANA and a credit card company that has the name ANA CARD printed on the surface of the card.
  • “Affiliated Card”
    means a Membership Card jointly issued by ANA and a Participating Program Partner.
  • “Awards User”
    means the user of the Awards designated by a Member, and who is a relative within the second degree of kinship of the Member (including the same-sex partner of the Member).
  • “Diamond Service”, “Platinum Service” and “Bronze Service”
    mean the services offered to Premium Members who have fulfilled the requirements prescribed by ANA.
  • “Premium Member”
    is a general term for Diamond Service, Platinum Service and Bronze Service members.
  • “Super Flyers Member”
    means a member who complies with these Terms and Conditions and the ANA Super Flyers Member Regulations. Those who have fulfilled the requirements prescribed by ANA and submitted specified applications are eligible to become Super Flyers Members.
    means an electronic coupon that can be used to pay for flight tickets and travel goods (domestic tours and overseas tours, etc.) on the ANA website or other channels
  • “Star Alliance”
    means an airline alliance consisting of multiple airlines, of which ANA is a member.
  • “Star Alliance Gold Member”
    means a status granted to a customer who frequently flies with Star Alliance member airlines and satisfies certain conditions. With respect to ANA Mileage Club, customers who have fulfilled the requirements for Diamond Service members, Platinum Service members, and Super Flyers Members are eligible.
  • “Star Alliance Silver Member”
    means a status granted to a customer who frequently flies with Star Alliance member airlines and satisfies certain conditions. With respect to ANA Mileage Club, customers who have fulfilled the requirements for Bronze Service members are eligible.
Article 3 Enrollment
Customers who have agreed to these Terms and Conditions, applied for the ANA Mileage Club, and passed the screening of ANA will be officially accepted as ANA Mileage Club members. Applications for ANA Cards or Affiliated Cards will also be examined by partner credit card companies or Participating Program Partners issuing the Affiliated Cards.
Article 4 Commencement of Membership
  1. Once ANA receives an application for membership and opens a Mileage Account for a Member after screening, the membership of the customer becomes effective, and thereafter a membership number will be sent to the Member. Membership may not be granted as a result of screening.
  2. Each Member is eligible to use only one Mileage Account. If ANA becomes aware that one Member holds more than one Mileage Account, ANA reserves the right to integrate them. Miles from the same transaction cannot be credited to more than one account. If there are any Miles from the same transaction that have been credited to more than one account as described above, ANA reserves the right to correct the situation without giving any notice to the Member.
  3. The Member will be required to enter the membership number and the password, etc. to verify the Member's identity in using various services, including applications for the redemption of Awards, etc. The Member should keep the membership number and the password, etc. in strict confidence and ensure that they will not become known to any third party.
  4. Members are prohibited from allowing a third party to use their membership numbers and passwords, etc., or assigning, selling, pledging or otherwise lending them to a third party. ANA will consider any and all actions conducted using the membership number and password, etc. as actions of the Member, and shall not be liable for any damage caused by insufficient management, etc. of the membership number and password, etc.
  5. If a Member did not set a password when applying for membership, ANA will set an initial password. In such a case, the Member should take appropriate actions to protect it from unauthorized use, such as changing the initial password immediately after the membership number is issued, changing the password on a regular basis, and avoiding using a password that can be easily guessed by a third party.
  6. Except where there is willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of ANA, such as where ANA fails to take proper technical and organizational measures to avoid a leakage of information, ANA shall not be held responsible for Awards fraudulently obtained due to a third party’s unauthorized access to the Member’s password.
Article 5 Use of the Membership Card
  1. ANA issues Membership Cards to Members.
  2. ANA (and its joint issuers, if any) retains ownership of Membership Cards, and lends them to Members. If there is a signature panel on the Membership Card, Members must immediately sign their names on it.
  3. A Member's name and membership number (including the numbers provided by Participating Program Partners issuing Affiliated Cards or partner credit card companies; hereinafter referred to as the “Card Information”) are shown on the Membership Card. A Membership Card can only be used by the Member.
  4. All claims for the accrual of Miles to a Mileage Account, balance inquiries, and redemptions, cancellations of Awards and other procedures must be made by the Member themselves. Upon receiving such claims, ANA will perform customer verification by asking certain information about Members as separately specified by ANA. If certain information about the Member is properly presented, ANA will consider the claims to be a proper exercise of rights by the Member. In the event ANA later finds out that a wrongful act was performed by an unauthorized person concerning any use based on the said claim, ANA shall not have any responsibility for any damage suffered by the Member therefrom. However, this shall not apply if ANA knew or could have easily known that such act was performed without any authorization or there is willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of ANA. Claims for the accrual of Miles, balance inquiries and procedures for redemptions for Members who are infants or children may be made by a parent or legal guardian.
  5. Members should use and manage their Membership Cards and Card Information with the diligence of a good manager. Members are strictly prohibited from lending or transferring their Membership Cards or offering them as collateral to third parties. Unless it is necessary to exercise the rights recognized in these Terms and Conditions, Members are prohibited from allowing third parties to use their Card Information.
  6. In the event of loss, theft, damage or defacement, etc. of a Membership Card, ANA will reissue a Membership Card at the request of the Member after ANA screens and approves such request. (In the case of ANA Cards and Affiliated Cards, its partner credit card companies or Participating Program Partners issuing the Affiliated Cards will also participate in the screening.) In such case, a set fee will be charged to the Member for issuing the Membership Card.
  7. ANA will designate the names of Membership Cards separately. Members cannot hold multiple Membership Cards with the same card name. However, exceptions may be made if ANA agrees.
Article 6 Services Provided by Partner Airlines and Participating Program Partners
  1. Partner Airlines and Participating Program Partners assume all responsibility for the products and services that they offer (including advertising and other promotional activities), and ANA does not guarantee the merchantability, fitness for purpose, up-to-dateness and accuracy, etc. of such products and services.
  2. In redeeming the Awards offered by Partner Airlines or other Awards offered by Participating Program Partners, the Members will comply with the conditions of each Partner Airline and Participating Program Partner. However, applications for, changes, cancellations and refunds, etc. of Awards are subject to the terms and conditions specified by ANA.
  3. Members are not permitted to share, combine or transfer points, etc. offered by Partner Airlines or Participating Program Partners with the accrued Miles. In the event of a cancellation or refund, etc. of the products and services offered by Partner Airlines or Participating Program Partners, ANA reserves the right to cancel the accrued Miles even after their accrual has been completed.
  4. ANA shall not be held responsible to Members for changes in various conditions, including termination of or changes in the partnerships with Partner Airlines or Participating Program Partners, cancellation of Awards offered by them, Miles accrued from using their products and services, and Miles necessary for redeeming Awards.
  5. ANA reserves the right to change or terminate partnerships with Partner Airlines and Participating Program Partners based on its judgment. However, ANA will give its Members prior notice when it changes or terminates partnerships with Partner Airlines or Participating Program Partners. Awards that have been issued will be valid for the period stated therein regardless of the termination of or change in the partnership.

Chapter 2 Accrual of Miles

Article 7 Eligibility for Accrual of Miles
  1. Members can accrue Miles based on the standards provided by ANA or the Partner Airlines when flying with ANA or the Partner Airlines under certain conditions. ANA has the right to freely change the standards used for the accrual of Miles, such as eligible sectors, cabin classes, booking classes, fares and accrual rates, as necessary.
  2. Members can accrue Miles after using the products and services offered by Participating Program Partners in accordance with their designation. Participating Program Partners can freely change products and services eligible for accruing Miles as necessary.
Article 8 Methods for Accruing Miles
  1. Members will accrue Miles based on the ticketed booking class, regardless of the actual class they board. In case of a downgrade, however, the Miles will accrue based on the actual cabin class. Members are not eligible to accrue Miles unless they actually travel on the flights they booked.
  2. Each Member can only accrue Miles once per flight per Member, regardless of the number of seats purchased.
  3. Unless otherwise specified, Members who accrue or earn points in the customer programs of Participating Program Partners are not eligible to accrue Miles at the same time.
  4. Miles are accrued when the Miles are recorded in the Members' Mileage Accounts. Members may not apply for redemption of their Miles for Awards until they are recorded in their Mileage Accounts.
  5. In the event the Miles were not automatically recorded in the Mileage Accounts even though membership had been obtained on the boarding date for a flight eligible for the accrual of Miles or as of the date of purchase of the products or use of the services offered by Participating Program Partners, Members may make a claim for the accrual of these Miles in the manner prescribed by ANA only within 6 months from the said boarding date or date of purchase or use of such products and services. However, this does not apply if there is screening by ANA and the relevant credit card company or Participating Program Partners issuing Affiliated Cards. Furthermore, retroactive registrations of the accrual of Miles may not be accepted or the period they are accepted may vary depending on Participating Program Partners.
  6. Members who have an objection concerning the accrual of Miles may submit a claim to ANA only within 6 months from the boarding date of the relevant flight or transaction of products or services of Participating Program Partners. In such a case, ANA may request the Member to submit proof of boarding on the said flight (including the boarding pass, etc. for the sector claimed to have been flown by the Member) or proof of the transaction of the said products and services.
  7. ANA calculates the number of Miles Members will accrue based on the flight mileage chart prepared by ANA according to the distance between the departure airport and the destination airport.
  8. Members who are children (3 to 11 years old for domestic flights, and 2 to 11 years old for international flights) may earn Miles at the same rate as an adult (12 years or older).
  9. When an infant (under 3 years old for domestic flights and under 2 years old for international flights) is traveling on an infant fare (unable to hold a seat; international flights only), Miles will not accrue. However, when an infant is traveling on a child fare (able to hold a seat), Miles will accrue at the same rate as an adult (12 years or older).
  10. Members can accrue Miles and redeem Awards by providing their membership numbers when they purchase products or use services offered by Participating Program Partners.
Article 9 Combining Miles
Unless specifically provided by ANA, Members may not sell, share, combine or donate the Miles they earn to any third party. In the event of a Member's death, subject to the prescribed procedures described in Article 21 hereof, their heirs may inherit the valid Miles as of the date the said procedures are completed.
Article 10 Validity of Miles
Miles are valid until the end of the month up to the 36th month (23:59 Japan time) counting from the month a service or a product was used. ANA shall not be responsible for any loss or expiration of Miles of Members unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of ANA.

Chapter 3 Redemption of Awards

Article 11 Awards Users
Except for some Awards, Awards may be used by Members and Awards Users. If a Member will allow an Awards User to use the Awards, registration of the Awards User is required prior to applying for redemption of the Awards. Upon the said registration, ANA is entitled to ask the Member and the said Awards User to provide documentation proving their family relationship, etc. Awards Users are limited to the Member’s relatives within the second degree of kinship (including the same-sex partner of the Member).
Article 12 Applying for Awards
  1. ANA may perform customer verification upon accepting applications for the redemption of Awards. If ANA is unable to complete such customer verification, ANA will not be able to accept the application for the redemption of Awards.
  2. ANA will send all necessary information and Awards to the address or contact address registered with the ANA Mileage Club by the Member. Members must notify ANA if there are changes to the said registered information or their registered personal information. In the case of ANA Cards or Affiliated Cards, Members should notify partner credit card companies or Participating Program Partners issuing the Affiliated Cards of these changes. If a Member suffers any disadvantages, such as non-delivery of the necessary information or Awards to the Member due to any failure to make such notification in a timely manner, ANA shall not be responsible to the Member for such disadvantages.
Article 13 Restrictions on Use of Awards
  1. ANA may put restrictions on Flight Awards and Upgrade Awards, such as blackout periods and limited seat availability. There may be cases on some flights where there is no designation of seats available for the use of such Awards. ANA cannot be held responsible to make arrangements, such as refunding Awards, refunding Miles back to Mileage Accounts, reducing or waiving cancellation fees or extending the validity of Awards due to the above restrictions.
  2. Once an application for Flight Awards or Upgrade Awards has been made, Members or Awards Users may not change the names of the passenger and the Miles provider.
  3. Members or Awards Users may not combine Flight Awards with Upgrade Awards.
  4. When Flight Awards or Upgrade Awards are used by Members or Awards Users, they may be asked by ANA to confirm their identity, etc. Members should carry their Membership Cards and official identification documents that can verify their identities when using the said Awards, and ensure that their Awards Users provide documents that can verify their relationship with the Members upon ANA’s request. If one’s identity or family relationship, etc. cannot be verified, ANA may refuse the use of the Awards.
  5. Except as expressly allowed by ANA, Members or Awards Users are not permitted in any way to transfer Awards to a third party, whether by selling or buying, exchanging or otherwise donating them. In addition, Members or Awards Users are prohibited from causing any third party to commit such acts.
  6. In addition to the content of these Terms and Conditions, ANA may set additional terms and conditions on the use of Awards based on its judgment. Members should check the said terms and conditions on the use of Awards prior to applying for Awards.
Article 14 Responsibility for Problems in Offering Awards
  1. Once the Awards are received by Members, ANA shall not be responsible for reissuing any of such Awards to its Members for any reason whatever, including loss or theft.
  2. If the Awards are not used by the expiration date, ANA shall not be responsible for taking any action to refund Miles that are equivalent to such expired Awards or otherwise offer other Awards, except for the service to refund unused Awards. Members will check the expiration date of the Awards and use them by the expiration date.
  3. In case of any failure or inability to offer the Awards, ANA will refund the Miles or reissue the said Awards.
  4. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, Members agree, without any objection, that ANA will deal with flight delays, cancellations or any other flight irregularities in using the Flight Awards issued by ANA in the manner stipulated in the Conditions of Carriage or internal regulations provided by ANA. In addition, in case of any flight delay, cancellation or any other flight irregularity in using the Flight Awards issued by Partner Airlines, the Members agree in advance, without any objection, that the Partner Airline may not reissue the Awards by transferring the ticket to a subsequent carrier for the same sector or providing alternative transportation with another available airline, based on its judgment.
  5. If any loss or damage (including lost profits) is caused to a Member due to a failure or inability to offer the Awards, ANA shall not be responsible for such loss or damage beyond that set forth in this Article unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of ANA.
Article 15 Taxes, User Fees and Incidental Expenses
Members or Awards Users will pay all taxes, airport fees and other necessary incidental expenses and costs arising from the acquisition and use of Awards. Members or Awards Users must pay all taxes, airport charges and other incidental expenses and costs needed in issuing Flight Awards in advance.
Article 16 Handling of Submitted Documents
All documents submitted to ANA by Members are not returnable.

Chapter 4 Handling of Personal Information

Article 17 Handling of Personal Information
  1. ANA will handle all personal information it receives in relation to the ANA Mileage Club in accordance with the current ANA Privacy Policy. The ANA Privacy Policy is available on the ANA website or other channels.
  2. In order for Star Alliance members to offer various Awards to Star Alliance Gold Members and Star Alliance Silver Members, ANA will provide Star Alliance members with information regarding Star Alliance Gold Members and Star Alliance Silver Members, such as their names, membership numbers, and membership status.

Chapter 5 Termination of Membership

Article 18 Procedure for Membership Withdrawal
Members can withdraw their membership from the ANA Mileage Club by notifying ANA of their intention. In addition, upon their withdrawal, Members using ANA Cards should give such notice of their intention to the relevant credit card company, and Members using Affiliated Cards should give such notice of their intention to the Participating Program Partners that issued such cards.
Article 19 Cancellation of Membership
If no Miles have accrued for 3 consecutive years with respect to a Member, ANA reserves the right to cancel the membership thereof.
Article 20 Prohibited Acts and Membership Disqualification
  1. Members shall not commit any of the following acts in using the services offered by ANA (including the ANA Mileage Club):
    • (1)Any act that is contrary to laws and regulations, these Terms and Conditions, the Conditions of Carriage provided by ANA, or any public policy;
    • (2)Any act that infringes the rights of ANA, other Members or any third party;
    • (3)Acquiring or attempting to acquire another Member’s ID, password or other personal information without obtaining the consent of such Member;
    • (4)Pretending to be another Member (including, but not limited to, acts to make reservations for, or use or cancel Awards by pretending to be another Member);
    • (5)Acquiring or attempting to acquire Miles or Awards dishonestly, or unjustly evading or attempting to evade the redemption of the Miles;
    • (6)Transferring or attempting to transfer Awards to a third party, or facilitating the transfer, etc. of Awards by a third party, with or without consideration;
    • (7)Submitting false information concerning important information in using the services offered by ANA (including the ANA Mileage Club) (including failure to properly submit information which should have been submitted);
    • (8)Interfering or attempting to interfere in any way with the operation of the services offered by ANA (including the ANA Mileage Club) by overloading, or improperly accessing or disrupting the normal operation of ANA’s system or network;
    • (9)Unauthorized or fraudulent use of a credit card at settlement (including submission of false information or failure to properly submit information that should have been submitted);
    • (10)Allowing or attempting to allow anyone other than Awards Users to use the Awards;
    • (11)Relentlessly making demands to ANA that are beyond its legal responsibility;
    • (12)Engaging or attempting to engage in any act using violence, coercion, insults or significantly intimidating or threatening behavior towards the employees or staff of ANA; or
    • (13)Any other act that ANA judges could significantly damage the relationship of trust with ANA.
  2. ANA reserves the right to cancel the membership of a Member who violates the preceding paragraph.
  3. With respect to the use of Flight Awards and Upgrade Awards that violates paragraph 1 of this Article, ANA reserves the right to cancel the reservation, or refuse boarding or use of all unused Awards (including reservations for unused sectors after commencement of the journey). ANA also reserves the right to charge the Member who engaged in the misconduct the applicable regular fare for the sector improperly used (in the case of Upgrade Awards, the balance between the regular fare for the said sector after the upgrade and the fare that the passenger paid). However, in the case there is another provision set forth in the Conditions of Carriage prescribed by ANA in relation to the damages to be claimed from the passenger who engaged in the misconduct, such provision will prevail.
  4. If ANA finds that any act falls under paragraph 1 or it determines that there is reasonable suspicion to believe that such an act has been committed, ANA reserves the right to conduct an investigation into matters such as the Member’s acts, Mileage Account, transactions, accrual of Miles, Miles usage track and Awards Users. If Members are asked by ANA to cooperate in this investigation, they will comply with such request to a reasonable extent. In addition, until the matter is resolved (including the period until the cancellation of membership is determined pursuant to paragraph 2), ANA may, without making any notice to the Member, suspend the accrual of Miles, redemption of Awards and the like through the account of such Member. The Members agree without any objection that they may not accrue Miles or otherwise redeem them for Awards through their account until the matter is resolved.
Article 21 Death of a Member
In the event of a Member's death, their legal heirs may succeed to the Miles accrued by the Member, to the extent that such Miles are valid as at the completion of the prescribed procedures. Only within 180 days after the Member's death, the legal heirs will be required to present to ANA a document that certifies that they are entitled to inherit such deceased Member’s Miles. If a claim for inheritance is not made within the above period, all the Miles accrued by the Member will become void.
Article 22 Handling of Miles after Membership Withdrawal
Unless otherwise stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, Members agree without any objection that all the Awards (such as Miles or ANA SKY COINS previously accrued by a Member, and the qualification to enjoy the Diamond Service, Platinum Service, Bronze Service or Super Flyers, or reservations of Flight Awards or Upgrade Awards), where a valid ANA Mileage Club qualification is a prerequisite to receive such services, will immediately expire at the time the Member withdraws from the ANA Mileage Club or loses their ANA Mileage Club membership, regardless of the reason for the termination of membership.
Article 23 Procedure after Termination of Membership
In the event that a Member loses their membership due to any cause referred to in these Terms and Conditions, the Member should promptly return or destroy their Membership Card.

Chapter 6 Others

Article 24 Campaigns for Specific Members
ANA may target specific groups of Members to offer special Bonus Miles, Awards and other campaign benefits depending on the Miles accrued, location of residence or other conditions for participating in the ANA Mileage Club membership.
Article 25 Discontinuation and Suspension of Services
  1. In the event of any of the following, ANA may discontinue or suspend the ANA Mileage Club services, in part or in whole. In such case, ANA will endeavor to notify users and other customers in advance as much as possible. In the case where advance notice cannot be given due to unavoidable reasons, ANA will give notice promptly after the fact:
    • (1)When relocation, maintenance, inspection or other work is performed on ANA’s facilities;
    • (2)When a failure in communication lines, computers and other systems related to the operation of the ANA Mileage Club occurs;
    • (3)When a Member Card is, or is threatened to be, counterfeited or altered;
    • (4)When it is unavoidable to protect the interests of ANA, Members, Participating Program Partners and other third parties;
    • (5)When a natural disaster, electrical outage or any other event of force majeure occurs; or
    • (6)When the ANA Mileage Club is discontinued or suspended in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or other regulations.
  2. ANA will make its best efforts to meet the technical level required at the time of the operation of the ANA Mileage Club to the extent available on a commercially reasonable basis, but does not guarantee that its system and website or other channels will be free from any failure. ANA shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the Member due to system disruption, delay or interruption, data loss, failure in Miles usage, or unauthorized access to data, or any other disadvantage or damage suffered by the Member in relation to the ANA Mileage Club resulting from a natural disaster, failure in communication lines or computers, etc. unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of ANA.
  3. Access to the ANA Mileage Club may be unavailable, in whole or in part, due to the connection environment of the location where the ANA Mileage Club is used. ANA shall not be held responsible for any disadvantage or damage caused to the Member therefrom.
Article 26 Program Changes
  1. In the event of changes in these Terms and Conditions, ANA will inform the Members of the content and the effective date of such changes at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the changes.
  2. ANA may change these Terms and Conditions if it is in accordance with the general interests of the Members, or to the extent that such change is reasonable in light of the circumstances pertaining to the change.
  3. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, ANA may change these Terms and Conditions with the consent of the Members.
  4. ANA reserves the right to set details of the Awards, number of Miles to be accrued, conditions for accruing Miles, required Miles to redeem Awards, and other matters based on its judgment, and the said terms and conditions may be changed without giving any prior notice if it is in accordance with the general interests of users and other customers, or to the extent that such change is reasonable in light of the circumstances pertaining to the change. The said terms and conditions do not constitute a part of these Terms and Conditions.
Article 27 Notification of these Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions and all current information regarding the terms and conditions of the Awards are available on the website of ANA. If the content of the website differs from the content of the printed documents, the content of the website is to be treated as the current information.
Article 28 Notification of Termination of the ANA Mileage Club Program
  1. ANA may freely terminate the ANA Mileage Club program based on its judgment. Except as otherwise provided by ANA, unused Miles accrued by Members and unused Awards such as ANA SKY COINS will be canceled at the time of the termination of the ANA Mileage Club program.
  2. In the event of the termination of the ANA Mileage Club program, ANA will inform the Members at least 90 days in advance.
Article 29 Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces
  1. Each Member represents and covenants to ANA that neither the Member nor their Awards User is or will become an organized crime group; a member of an organized crime group; a company affiliated with any organized crime group; a corporate racketeer; a group engaged in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social or political campaigns, etc.; a crime group specialized in intellectual crimes or any other anti-social forces (hereinafter referred to as “Anti-Social Forces”).
  2. If ANA finds it necessary to run a background check on a Member to determine compliance with the preceding paragraph, the said Member will cooperate with ANA to a reasonable extent.
  3. If ANA discovers that a Member belongs to an Anti-Social Force, ANA will immediately terminate their membership and cancel the Awards reservation, etc. without giving any notice. ANA shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the Member due to such termination of membership.
Article 30 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms and Conditions will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. All disputes arising between the Members and ANA in connection with the ANA Mileage Club will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court for the first instance.

In the event that there are discrepancies or inconsistencies between the Japanese version of these Terms and Conditions and its translation, the Japanese version will prevail.

ANA Privacy Policy

Please agree to the Privacy Policy and then proceed to the confirmation screen.

Chapter 1. ANA’s Handling of Personal Information of All Customers

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy explains how and why the personal information of customers and other individuals obtained by ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO., LTD. (“ANA”, “we”, “our” or “us”) is used. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before providing personal information to ANA or using our products or services.

Chapter 1 of this Privacy Policy provides an overview of how we use your personal information.

Additional policies may apply to certain ANA products or services, details of which will be provided separately or in the terms of such service, etc.

For customers who reside in Japan, "personal information" in this Chapter 1 means information relating to a living individual containing (i) a name, date of birth, or other identifier or the equivalent which can be used to identify a specific individual or (ii) an individual identification code.

2. Scope of application

The Privacy Policy will apply when customers and other individuals provide personal information to ANA or use ANA’s services and products.

3. Purpose of using personal information

ANA utilizes personal information obtained from its customers for the following purposes. However, even within the intended scope, it will not use customers’ personal information in a way that may encourage or induce illegal or improper conduct.

  1. Reservations, ticket sales, check-in, airport services, and in-flight services with regard to air transport services

  2. Reservations, ticket sales, check-in, and airport services for interline transportation, joint acceptance of carriage, codeshare, successive carriage and consigned carriage

  3. Service provisions for ANA Mileage Club members

  4. Research and analysis of usage of ANA’s services/products

  5. All operations incidental or related to purposes "1." through "4." above

  6. Implementation of questionnaires concerning service and products, etc., offered by ANA

  7. Development of new services and products

  8. Notification of services and products offered by ANA

  9. Operation and management relating to the events and campaigns implemented by ANA, ANA Group companies, partner companies, etc.

  10. Provision of information about the services, products, events and campaigns of ANA, ANA Group companies, partner companies, etc. as well as provision of various pieces of information through methods including direct mail, e-mail magazines, notices, and advertisements

    • *

      Customers' personal information (analytical data, etc. such as details of the usage of services and products of ANA, ANA Group company, etc., ANA website and mobile app browsing history, etc.) may be analyzed using AI, etc. to estimate customer hobbies, tastes, purchasing trends, attributes, etc., and the results used to formulate advertising distribution and marketing measures, etc. targeting the customer.

  11. Response to inquiries and requests

4. Acquisition of personal information

ANA will obtain the following personal information by fair and appropriate means for the purpose of achieving the previously mentioned purposes.

(1) Identity, contact and payment information, etc.

The customer’s name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, employment information (company name, division/department the customer belongs to, title, address, telephone number, fax number), mailing address, passport information, physical and medical information relating to flying, dietary restrictions, payment information including details of credit/debit card and other payment methods, etc.

(2) Travel information

Details of travel plans and arrangements, including flights with ANA and other airlines, accommodations, and other transportation arrangements, etc.

(3) Information on the customer’s ANA Mileage Club membership and information related to the usage of eligible services

The customer’s ANA Mileage Club membership number, type of membership card, membership status, membership area, mileage status, credit card number and expiration date, usage history of credit card and related information, need for wheelchair or other special arrangement, flight reservation and cancellation information, usage history of flights and other services, etc.

(4) Details of enquiries and complaints to ANA

Voice recording information and other similar information that can identify a specific individual because it contains the individual's name or for other reasons.

We may monitor, record, store and use any telephone, email or other communication with you in order to check any instructions given to us, for training purposes, for crime prevention and to improve the quality of our customer service.

(5) IT and system data including information on the usage of the ANA website and mobile application

Information such as that on how customers use the ANA website and mobile application, including details on cookies, advertising identifiers (IDFA/GAID), location information, unique device identifiers, IP address, details on OS and browser type, etc., and website activity logs by which ANA may be able to identify a specific individual
(For details on the purpose of use of cookies and other related matters, please refer to “3. Purpose of use of cookies” in the ANA Cookie Policy, etc.)

ANA will never obtain and use information of a sensitive nature to the customer (hereinafter, “sensitive information”), such as information on race, beliefs, social standing, history of illness, crime records, and history of having been afflicted by crime, unless required by laws and regulations or by the consent of the customer.

5. Acquisition of Information Related to Personal Information

ANA may receive information related to personal information about customers directly from customers or from third parties or ANA Group companies. "Information related to personal information" in this Chapter 1 means information relating to a living individual which doesn't fall under personal information, pseudonymized personal information or anonymized personal information defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003) of Japan.

(Example of information related to personal information)
Details on cookies, advertising identifiers (IDFA/GAID), location information, unique device identifiers and IP address, as listed in "(5) IT and system data including information on the usage of the ANA website and mobile application" of "4. Acquisition of personal information", by which ANA cannot identify a specific individual.

(Example of receiving information related to personal information)
Obtaining advertising identifiers from third parties or ANA Group companies for advertising distribution
If we will link such information related to personal information to customer personal information held by ANA or an ANA Group company and use it as personal information, then we will obtain the consent of the customer in advance and handle the information appropriately in accordance with the purpose of use specified in "3. Purpose of using personal information" unless we have specified another purpose.

6. Choice by the customer

As a rule, ANA obtains personal information by the volition of the customer. Customers may experience disadvantages if they refuse to provide their personal information, such as being unable to make use of the various services provided by ANA, or being unable to receive campaign notices and other ANA information because a part of the functions of ANA’s system become inoperable and thereby unavailable. Please note that customers may change their contact information as well as their decision on whether or not they wish to receive email magazines at any time they wish, in a manner designated separately by ANA.

7. Disclosure and provision of information to a third party

(1) When ANA discloses or provides customers' personal information to third parties

ANA will not disclose or provide personal customer information to any third parties except under the following circumstances. Also, customers’ personal information including sensitive information will not be disclosed or provided to third parties under any circumstances, unless allowed by laws and regulations or by consent of the customer. Note that provision of information to data sharing partners and business entrusted companies are not deemed to constitute disclosure or provision to third parties.

  1. Customer consent has been obtained.

  2. Disclosure or provision is required within the scope allowed by laws or regulations.

  3. Disclosure is required to protect human life, health, or property in cases where obtaining customer consent is difficult.

  4. Disclosure is required to cooperate with the public affairs of national or local governments, and when obtaining customer consent is likely to hinder the administration of public affairs.

  5. Disclosure or provision of information as statistical data (in a format that does not disclose the customer's identity).

  6. Provision of information as a result of the succession of business due to a merger, company split, transfer of business or otherwise.

  7. Provision of information in accordance to procedures based on laws and regulations, under the condition that the following information can be easily checked by the customers themselves through the ANA website, etc., and that the customers have not declared their wish to refuse provision of their information.

    • The purpose of obtaining information is to provide such information to a third party

    • Specific personal data items to be provided to a third party

    • The means by which such personal information is provided to a third party

    • Provisions of information will be suspended upon the customers' request

    • Methods for accepting requests from customers

(2) Third parties to which ANA may disclose or provide customers' personal information

ANA may disclose or provide customers' personal information to the following categories of recipients.

  1. Affiliates: ANA may disclose or provide customers' personal information to companies belonging to the ANA Group and organizations related to the ANA Group.

  2. ANA's employees: ANA may disclose or provide customers' personal information to the ANA's employees who are authorized and who have a need to access such data.

  3. Service providers: ANA may disclose or provide customers' personal information to third-party service providers that perform certain services, such as IT service providers (including data server and cloud service providers), data analytics service providers, advertising distribution service providers and legal advisors.

8. Data sharing

ANA may share customer information as follows.

Scope of entities that data can be shared ANA Group companies
Purpose of using data by the user
  • (1) For provision of air transportation services, travel services including tours and hotels, and other products/services handled by ANA or companies that share data
  • (2) For sending of direct mail and information on products/services, and distribution of questionnaire(s) to customers, etc. by the Company or companies that share data
  • (3) For sales analysis, other research/studies, and development of new products/services, etc. by ANA or companies that share data
  • (4) For delivery and transfer of data when we receive inquiries, application for use or other offers from customers regarding products/services provided by ANA or companies that share data
  • (5) For appropriate and smooth fulfillment of other transactions with customers by ANA or companies that share data
  • (6) For business management/internal management by the ANA Group
Items of personal information to be shared The customer’s ANA Mileage Club membership number, the customer’s name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, employment information (company name, division/department the customer belongs to, title, address, telephone number, fax number), mailing address, passport information, physical and medical information relating to flying, dietary restrictions, payment information including details of credit/debit card and other payment methods, details of travel plans and arrangements, including flights with ANA and other airlines, accommodations, and other transportation arrangements, type of membership card, membership status, membership area, mileage status, credit card number and expiration date, usage history of credit card and related information, need for wheelchair or other special arrangement, flight reservation and cancellation information, usage history of flights and other services, details of enquiries, requests and complaints contained in correspondence with customers, information on the use of ANA website and mobile application, including cookie and action log on the website, etc.
Name, address, and representative of the party responsible for management of personal information ANA Holdings Inc.
Shiodome City Center, 1-5-2, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 105-7140
Koji Shibata, President & Chief Executive Officer

9. Business entrustment

In providing products and services to customers, ANA may entrust a part of its business operations to third parties to which personal information may also be disclosed to the extent required to achieve the purpose of the entrustment. In these cases, ANA will implement appropriate measures in managing and supervising such third parties to safeguard the handling of customers’ personal information, including establishing agreements on the handling of such personal information.

10. Transfer to outside of Japan

Depending on customers’ flight destinations, ANA may transfer their personal information (name, passport number, and travel details, etc.) to outside of Japan. The countries served by ANA can be found on ANA’s website. The countries or regions to which customers’ personal information is transferred may not have a system for personal information protection equivalent to Japan’s.

If ANA provides customers’ personal information to third party business operators outside of Japan, including entrusted companies and data sharing partners, ANA will do so based on customer consent, except in either of the following cases:

  1. when the third party is located in a country specified by laws and regulations as one that has a personal information protection system equivalent to Japan's; or

  2. when the third party has a system in place where it can continuously take measures corresponding to those that business operators handling personal information in Japan should take.

In the case of "2." above, ANA will take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure that the third party takes the corresponding measures on an ongoing basis. If you wish to know the details of ANA's measures, please make a request in accordance with "12. Request about handling of Personal Information".

11. Management of personal information

In receiving customers’ personal information, ANA will manage such information according to the strictest standards and take necessary safety management measures to prevent leaks, loss, or alterations. ANA ensures that the board members and employees are properly trained regarding appropriate handling to safeguard the security of information identifying individual customers. An appropriate retention period for personal information will be established in accordance with the purpose for which such information is used. After the purpose of the information has been achieved, ANA will dispose of the information in question by appropriate methods.
If you wish to know the details of the safety management measures, please make a request in accordance with “12. Request about handling of Personal Information”.

12. Request about handling of Personal Information

If ANA receives a request from a customer, submitted in the manner specified, for the disclosure, correction, deletion, addition, discontinuance of use, erasure, or information provision concerning the personal information protection measures referred to in “10. Transfer to outside of Japan” and “11. Management of personal information” (“disclosure, etc.”) with regard to the customer’s personal information stored in a database held by ANA, the request will be handled according to the laws and regulations as follows, within a reasonable timeframe and scope, after confirming that the request was submitted by the customer themselves.

(1) Request for disclosure

Personal information items, purpose of use, or records on the provision of personal data to third parties will be disclosed in accordance with the customers’ request.

(2) Request for correction, deletion, or addition

Correction, deletion, or addition of personal information will be undertaken wherever possible after due review of the request.

(3) Request for discontinuance or erasure

The use of personal information items designated by the customer will be discontinued, and the relevant information erased if so desired, in accordance with the submitted request. However, please note that such requests may prevent customers from being provided with services that they had utilized, or may impede the provision of services in accordance to their wishes.

(4) Request for information provision concerning personal information protection measures

The following information will be provided in accordance with the customer’s request.

  1. Details of the safety management measures taken by ANA in receiving customers’ personal information

  2. Details of the measures taken by ANA when providing customers’ personal information to third parties outside of Japan (in the case of “10. Transfer to outside of Japan ‘2.’”)

ANA may not be able to fulfill the customers’ requests if compliance with such requests would seriously impact ANA’s business operations, result in a violation of laws and regulations, or disrupt the safety management of personal information.

13. Submission of request for disclosure, etc.

The method for submitting requests for disclosure, etc or notification of purpose of use of personal information (“requests for disclosure, etc.”) received by ANA from customers, and contact information are as follows.

Request for disclosure, etc.

(1) Method for submitting request

If you wish to receive response to your disclosure request by mail

Please send the required documents by postal mail to the address below.
Personal Information Handling Desk, ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO., LTD
1-331-90 Kaminoshima-cho, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki, 850-0078 Japan

If you wish to receive response to your disclosure request by electronic file format

Please send the required documents via webform listed on ANA’s website.

(2) Required documents

Application form (choose one of the following in accordance with your request)

Customer requests for disclosure, etc., may not be acknowledged if any of the required information is missing.

Documents required for confirmation of identification of individual, etc.

(For individuals)

  • (1) Copies of two from the following: driver’s license, passport, health insurance certificate(masking insurance card numbers and identification symbols / numbers of insured individuals), basic resident registration card with photo, pension insurance booklet, physical disability certificate, resident card or special permanent resident certificate, certificate of seal registration, Individual Number Card (front page only)

(For representatives)

  • In addition to “(For individuals),” the following documents described in (1) and (2) are required.
  • (1) Power of Attorney (legal representatives must provide a certifying document)
  • (2) Documents to identify the representative (copies of two from the following: driver’s license, passport, health insurance certificate(masking insurance card numbers and identification symbols / numbers of insured individuals), basic resident registration card with photo, pension insurance booklet, physical disability certificate, resident card or special permanent certificate, certificate of seal registration, Individual Number Card (front page only))

(3) Fee

  • A fee will be charged depending on type of request. For disclosure of multiple reservations and boarding information, each flight will be counted as one item of disclosure. Please note that handling procedures may differ depending on the laws and regulations of the relevant country

14. Disabling cookies and advertising identifiers

(1) Disabling cookies

Please refer to "5. Disabling Cookies" in the ANA Cookie Policy.

(2) Disabling advertising identifiers

ANA acquires and uses advertising identifiers (“Identification For Advertisers (IDFA)” for Apple’s iOS, “Google Advertising ID (GAID)” for Google’s Android OS, etc.)
Customers who wish to block advertisements using these advertiser identifiers are kindly requested to go to iOS (external website) or Android (external website) and configure the necessary settings on their device.

  • iOS (external website)

  • Android (external website)

15. Modification of the Privacy Policy

  • ANA may make modifications to this Privacy Policy. If modifications are made, details will be posted on the ANA website (

Shinichi Inoue, President C.E.O.
Shiodome-City Center, 1-5-2, Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-7140, Japan


Any mileage accrual will be denied before ANA Mileage Club enrollment date.
Please register the password with which others cannot be easily similar.