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Information is available here on ANA’s Business Class seats on the A380.

Fully flat seats in a staggered arrangement. Each seat is on the aisle-side so you don't have to worry or be disturbed by other guests.Furthermore, changes have been made to the staggered seating layout to offer some pair seats, which are available as center seats or on either side of the aisle.

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    Aircraft and seat specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

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    Sample images.

Aisle access for all seats
A number of pair seats, which are available as center seats or on either side of the aisle
Fully flat seat
18-inch touch-panel LCD widescreen monitor
Movable partitions on pair seats
Large table
Large side table
Storage space under ottoman
LED personal light
Universal PC power port and USB port
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    Sample images.

See seat features by aircraft type