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For Those Who Like to Travel by Air

Great for searching for flights!

Great for searching for flights!

  • *

    Search results are available for Japan only


Specify options to suit your preferences

Prioritize Flights

Turn on "Prioritize Flights" in the flight search options to prioritize routes that include flying

Preferred Airline

Select "ANA" in "Preferred Airline" to prioritize routes that include ANA flights
Select "No Preference" to show all routes regardless of operating airline

Airport Arrival Time

In "Airport Arrival Time" in the ariport usage options, specify how many hours before the departure time of your flight that you will arrive at the airport


Select your preferred route from the list of search results

  • Information on up to six routes based on the conditions set

  • Results can be sorted by time or minimum number of transfers


Check the route search results details

  • Use the "Reserve" button displayed under an ANA flight in the route search results to proceed with reservation/purchase of tickets

  • Information on fare and seat availability for ANA flights (normal fares are displayed for other operating airlines)

  • Use the "Change Flight" button to change to the preceding/following flights for the same segment (preceding/following connections will also be automatically corrected)


Select the number of passengers


Select fare


Proceed to make the reservation and complete your purchase