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ANA e-Tickets (Flight Tickets) - Verification Code Required for Boarding -

Your verification code can be the confirmation number you received after purchasing the e-Ticket, your ANA Mileage Club membership number, or the number of the credit card you used to purchase the flight ticket.

Your confirmation number is a 9-digit number provided after purchasing a Japan domestic flight ticket.
This number (verification code) is required for online check-in, airport check-in and reservation changes/refunds. Please make a note of this verification code, along with your reservation number, and keep them in a safe place.

  • *

    If you registered your ANA Mileage Club membership number at the time of booking, a confirmation number may not be provided depending on the payment method.
    Your ANA Mileage Club membership number will be required when handling member of information. Trouble Logging In?

  • *

    The way your confirmation number is provided to you differs when you purchase it via a travel agency, or if you purchased a tour. If this is the case, please contact the respective reservation sites for your confirmation number.

Forgotten or Lost Your Confirmation Number?

<Confirmation Number Examples>

Payment Confirmation/Departure Time Notification Emails Sent 24 and 2 Hours Prior to Departure
(Only for customers who paid by credit card)

  • *

    This is a sample email.

Issued via the ANA Website (PC) / Issued at the airport

  • *

    This is a sample e-Ticket Itinerary Receipt.

How to Check

Payment Method At time of purchase After purchase
Credit Cards Displayed only once on the payment completed screen 1.On the main page of the ANA website, go to [Reservation Confirmation/Check-In], then [Reservation Confirmation/Purchase/Changes/Seat Reservation] and press the e-Ticket Information button.
Enter your name and the number of the credit card you used for payment in the e-Ticket Search field, then go to the Reservation Details screen and press e-Ticket Receipt.
*You can check using the number of the credit card that was used for payment.
You can check using the Confirmation Number displayed on your e-ticket receipt.

2.Your confirmation number will be included in your payment confirmation/departure time notification emails sent 24 and 2 hours prior to departure. Learn More
Convenience Stores Your confirmation number will be printed on the transaction slip or receipt issued at checkout.

Payment at Lawson, Ministop, or FamilyMart (Japan Domestic Flights)
(See the sample on-screen transaction slip or receipt)

Seven Eleven Internet Shopping Payment Receipt (customer copy) sample
(Please note that your confirmation number will not be displayed for reservations for only ANA Milage Club members)
ANA SKY COINS  Displayed only once, on the screen after the [Purchase] button has been pressed.
Cannot be checked via the ANA Website.
Click here for services on the same day as the departure date.
Online Transfer Displayed only once, on the screen after the [Purchase] button has been pressed. /
Displayed only once on the payment completed screen
Bank Transfer Displayed only once, on the screen after the [Purchase] button has been pressed.
Pay-easy Displayed only once on the Pay-easy payment selection screen.
Flight Awards* Displayed on the screen after the [Reserve] button has been pressed. Reservation Confirmations and e-Ticket Itinerary Receipts can be displayed on the customer login page for ANA Mileage Club members who have redeemed rewards.
  • *

    Reservations containing only customers who are not ANA Mileage Club members and who do not have a registered membership number

Self-service check-in machines located at the airport are available on the day of departure for the following customers who have the required media.

Customers Who Can Use the Service Required Media
ANA Mileage Club members who have a registered membership number ANA Mileage Club membership number registered to a reservation
If you paid by credit card on the ANA website The credit card you used for payment

If you do not have your ANA Mileage Club membership number with you on your departure date

Depending on your payment method, it may be possible to check your confirmation number. Learn More

If you do not have your credit card with you on your departure date

  1. Your confirmation number will be included in your payment confirmation/departure time notification emails sent 24 and 2 hours prior to departure.

    • *

      Payment confirmation email: This will be sent to the email address registered under Notification Email for Reservation-related Information (for ANA Mileage Club members who have opted to receive this).

    • *

      Departure time emails sent 24 and 2 hours prior to departure: These will be sent to the email address you registered under Notification Email for Flight Status Information.

  2. If you registered your ANA Mileage Club membership number when making your reservation, you can complete the process using your membership number.

If you are unable to confirm your verification code using the above methods

  • A verification code is required for boarding flights, and can be your ANA Mileage Club membership number, confirmation number, or credit card number. If you are unable to confirm your verification code to the departure airport, please state the reservation information of the passenger who will board the flight. We will then check your official documents.

    • *

      Flight tickets purchased by a credit card may be confirmed separately with the credit card company.

  • If your identify cannot be confirmed, you must purchase a flight ticket for a fare capable of being purchased on the day of the flight.

    • Purchased ANA e-Tickets will be refunded so long as they are within their refund period. A specified processing fee will be charged for refunds (or a bank transfer processing fee for refunds via bank transfer).

For Your Convenience

By entering your confirmation number in the ANA App in advance and loading your reservation on the Home screen, you can seamlessly check your flight status and complete various procedures from online check-in right through to boarding, using just this app.

How to link your itinerary to the app