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Trouble Logging In?

To log in to the ANA website, you will need your 10-digit ANA Mileage Club membership number and web password.

Confirming Your Membership Number

Your membership number is the 10-digit number on the front of your card.

  • *

    Please note that this is not the same as your credit card number.

ANA Prepaid Card / ANA Mileage Club Card / ANA Card
ANA Prepaid Card / ANA Mileage Club Card / ANA Card

If You Do Not Have Your Card to Hand

ANA Mileage Club Cards (incl. Digital Cards), ANA Mileage Club Edy Cards

You can get your number via Retrieve Membership Number. If you have lost your card, we will reissue it.

ANA Cards (Credit Cards) and Partner Cards

We cannot provide your membership number via this site for security reasons.

Please contact the card issuer if you have lost your card.