IATA Baggage Resolution 302 related to baggage provision*

* partially amended from the original version


Unless otherwise agreed the following baggage provisions selection process should apply for interline journeys.

1. Baggage provisions are defined as free baggage allowance rules and baggage charges.

2. For the purposes of baggage provision selection, the following four-step process should apply for interline journeys:

Step 1

If the published baggage provisions among all participating carriers are the same; these provisions will apply.

Step 2

Where the one or more published baggage provisions differ between participating carriers, apply any common provisions and where provisions differ, the published baggage provisions of the Most Significant Carrier (MSC).

(In case of codeshare flights this will be the Marketing Carrier, unless that carrier publishes a rule stipulating that it will be the Operating Carrier).

Step 3

If the MSC does not publish baggage provisions for the journey concerned, apply the published baggage provisions of the carrier accepting the baggage at check-in.

Step 4

If the carrier accepting the baggage at check-in does not publish baggage provisions for the interline journey concerned, apply the published baggage provisions of each operating airline sector-by-sector.


  • For travel between two or more IATA areas, the carrier performing carriage on the first sector that crosses from one area to another.
    Exception: For travel across all 3 IATA areas, the carrier performing carriage on the first sector that crosses between IATA areas 1 and 2.

  • For travel between IATA Tariff sub-areas, the carrier performing carriage on the first sector that crosses from one sub-area to another.

  • For travel within an IATA Tariff sub-area, the carrier performing carriage on the first international sector.

IATA area /IATA Tariff sub-area

IATA defines the world into 3 areas (IATA area 1/2/3), and defines the IATA area into small areas (IATA Tariff sub-area).

IATA area /IATA Tariff sub-area
Area IATA Area sub-areas

IATA Area 1

North America / South America / Hawaii etc.

North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)

Caribbean Islands

Central America

South America (Brazil, Chile, Peru etc.)

IATA Area 2
Europe / Middle East etc.


Russia (West of the Urals)


Middle East

IATA Area 3

Japan / South Korea / Thailand / Singapore / Philippines / India / Guam etc.

Russia (East of the Urals)

Japan and South Korea

South East Asia (China, Singapore, Thai, Vietnam, Guam etc.)

South Asia (India etc.)

South East Pacific (Australia, New Zealand etc.)
