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Donation of miles for Coral Reef Conservation Activities

  • Using Miles

The ANA Group is constantly making efforts to improve the environment, including initiatives that are designed to reduce CO2 emissions and conserve biodiversity, with the aim of becoming a leading airline with world-class environmental practices. In June, which is designated as "Environment Month" by Japan's Ministry of the Environment, we will give ANA Mileage Club members the opportunity to make mileage donations so that they can support environmental conservation efforts together with ANA.

Accepting period

June 1, 2024 00:00 – June 30, 2024 23:59 (JST)

Miles donations are no longer accepted. We wish to express our appreciation to everyone who donated miles.

Total donation miles: 45,000  (yen)

How You Can Contribute

Miles can be donated to your preferred environmental organization in 3,000 mile increments (equivalent to 3,000 Japanese Yen).

Coral Reef Conservation

Coral reefs are not only beautiful, but also function as natural breakwaters protecting the lives of people. They contribute to rich fishery resources, serving as habitats and food sources for the creatures living in the sea.
However, in recent years, the coral reefs of Okinawa are being destroyed by coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish, red soil runoff, and chlorosis caused by the rising temperature of seawater.
Team Tyura Sango (Service is available in Japanese only.) was formed by ANA together with businesses based inside and outside Okinawa in 2004 for the purpose of protecting the coral reef near Onna, Okinawa. The team has continuously planted coral in the reef over a period of 20 years.
The mileage you donate will be put towards the growing and planting of coral seedlings, and thereby support the project's coral conservation activities.

Eligible persons

Donations can be made by all ANA Mileage Club Members.

"I Would Like to Donate"

Please click on "Donate Your Miles" below and select your preferred cause.

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    Miles can be donated online only through the ANA website (PC/smartphone site).


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    Once your application has been accepted, no change, refund or cancellation is permitted.

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    No receipt will be issued.

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    There is no maximum number of applications.

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    Tax laws surrounding charitable donations differ from country to country. ANA recommends that you seek the advice of an accounting professional in your tax jurisdiction, if you wish to know the deductability of your mileage donation.

Inquiries About ANA Mileage Club

From Japan

Campaign inquiry number: MKT20210527506

From Outside of Japan

Please call your nearest Service Center.