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Donation of miles for Endangered birds of prey Conservation

  • Using Miles

ANA Group is committed to various environmental initiatives such as CO2 reduction and biodiversity conservation, aiming to be a leading environmentally-responsible airline at a global level.

During this June, which is designated as "Environmental Month" by the Ministry of the Environment, we are accepting mileage donations from ANA Mileage Club members who wish to support environmental conservation activities together with ANA.

Accepting Period

June 1, 2024 00:00 - June 30, 2024 23:59 (JST)

Miles donations are no longer accepted. We wish to express our appreciation to everyone who donated miles.

Total donation miles: 237,000  (yen)

How You Can Contribute

Miles can be donated to your preferred environmental organization in 3,000 mile increments (equivalent to 3,000 Japanese Yen).

The Birds of Prey Medical Institute is a veterinary clinic specializing in wildlife. Their main focus is on endangered birds of prey such as Blakiston's fish owl and Steller's sea eagle.
They protect, treat, and rehabilitate injured rare raptors, and return them to the wild for follow-up after rehabilitation is complete.

ANA is also involved in research on preventive measures against traffic accidents, electric shock, lead poisoning, and collisions with wind turbines, which are among the most common causes of death among rare birds of prey.

You can support these activities through your mileage donation. We look forward to your cooperation.

Institute for Birds of Prey Medicine:

"I Would Like to Donate"

Please click on "Donate Your Miles" below and select your preferred cause.

  • *

    Miles can be donated online only through the ANA website (PC/smartphone site).

Inquiries About ANA Mileage Club

From Japan

Campaign inquiry number: MKT20240509746

From Outside of Japan

Please call your nearest Service Center.