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American Express Membership Rewards ANA Plan

American Express Membership Rewards ANA Plan
  • AMC

Even customers who are not registered to Membership Rewards Plus can use this service to redeem their points for miles.

  • *

    Points are invalidated when customers lose their membership status.


  • Points can also be redeemed for ANA SKY COINS. More details.

  • Miles are valid until the end of the month 36 months from the point redemption application date. However, please note that, due to the design of the American Express system, the validity period of miles will be counted from the day before the point redemption application date for applications made between 00:00 and 01:00.

Mileage Accrual

Membership Rewards Plus Registration Fee

Customers Who Are Not Registered for Membership Rewards Plus
Customers Who Are Registered for Membership Rewards Plus
JPY 3,300 (including tax) per year


Membership Rewards ANA Plan Participation Fee (Required)

Customers Who Are Not Registered for Membership Rewards Plus
JPY 5,500 (including tax) per year
Customers Who Are Registered for Membership Rewards Plus
JPY 5,500 (including tax) per year

Mileage Redemption Rate

Customers Who Are Not Registered for Membership Rewards Plus 2 points = 1 mile
Customers Who Are Registered for Membership Rewards Plus
1 point = 1 mile

Mileage Redemption Increment

Customers Who Are Not Registered for Membership Rewards Plus
2,000 points
Customers Who Are Registered for Membership Rewards Plus
1,000 points

Maximum Mileage Redemption Limit (Per Year)

Customers Who Are Not Registered for Membership Rewards Plus

80,000 points = 40,000 miles

(calendar year from January to December)

Customers Who Are Registered for Membership Rewards Plus
40,000 points = 40,000 miles
(calendar year from January to December)
  • *

    Please understand that point redemption applications which exceed the maximum limit will not be accepted.

  • *

    For customers with multiple American Express Cards, the amounts requested from each card will be totaled.

Mileage Accrual Eligibility

ANA Mileage Club members who participate in the Membership Rewards ANA Plan.

How to Accrue Miles

Click here to apply. (Text is available in Japanese only.)

Mileage Accrual Date

After submitting the application, approximately 5 business days will be required for the miles to be credited to the mileage balance.

Contact Information

American Express International, Inc.

Toll-free number (NTT)

09:00-17:00 (JST, voice guidance system)

(Not available on weekends and national holidays.)

Website (Desktop Version)