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Tokyo Metro To Me CARD and PASMO

Tokyo Metro To Me CARD and PASMO
  • AMC

Have you ever heard a 2-tone chime when passing through a train station ticket gate with your PASMO card? This sound signifies that there is not enough value on the card.

With a To Me CARD, customers can use the PASMO auto-charge service without having to pay the annual fee. Furthermore, the ANA To Me CARD PASMO JCB series (annual fee: JPY 2,160) combines PASMO functionality with a credit card, so customers will no longer need to carry separate cards. Charging value to the PASMO account is easy, making trips through the ticket gate even smoother.
Not only can points be earned through auto-charging, they can also be earned by simply riding Tokyo Metro subways trains. (Only for journeys outside the route designated for a commuter pass. Application required.) The points can be redeemed for ANA miles and can also be used to charge the PASMO account.
Many other partner services are available as well, so please go to the To Me CARD website to see just how convenient the card is.

Please note that the card images shown are for reference only.

Mileage Accrual

Mileage Redemption Rate

  1. When Using ANA To Me CARD PASMO JCB series
    100 Metro Points = 90 miles

  2. When using a To Me CARD other than ANA To Me CARD PASMO JCB series (Sorachika Card)
    1,000 Metro Points = 600 miles

  3. When using 1. or 2. Family Cards and PASMO
    500 Miles per 1,000 Metro Points

  • *

    Only 1 application to redeem Metro Points for miles may be submitted each month. When submitting the next application, please do so after the middle of the following month. A minimum of 1,000 Metro Points and a maximum of 20,000 Metro Points will apply when submitting an application.

Maximum Mileage Redemption Limit

20,000 Metro Points per month (Equivalent to 18,000 miles when redeeming with an ANA To Me CARD PASMO JCB series and 12,000 miles when redeeming with a To Me CARD.)

Redemption Handling Fee


Mileage Accrual Eligibility

ANA Mileage Club Members who have signed up on the Metro Point Club website.

How to Accrue Miles

Redemption Method

After logging into the Metro Point Club (Text is available in Japanese only.) site, enter the required information and submit the application.

  • *

    Miles transfers can only be required via the Metro Point Club site.

Mileage Accrual Date

After submitting the application, approximately 1-2 months will be required for the miles to be credited to the mileage balance.


  • The indicated redemption rates are current as of March 1, 2012. (Rates are subject to change.)

  • This award can only be used if the name of the Metro Points member matches the name that is registered to the ANA Mileage Club account.

  • PASMO is a registered trademark of PASMO Co., Ltd.

  • The PASMO auto-charge service is provided by PASMO Co., Ltd.

Contact Information

Tokyo Metro Customer Relations Center