Cab Station Taxi Miles

Cab Station Taxi Miles
  • AMC

Earn miles by riding taxis intelligently! Customers are now much more demanding when it comes to selecting good taxi services. Mileage which corresponds with the taxi fare can be earned when riding taxis which are affiliated with Cab Station Taxi Miles.

  • *

     Service is available in Japanese only.


  • This partnership will end on August 31, 2024, and will no longer applicable for mileage accrual.

Mileage Accrual

Mileage Accrual Rate

JPY 100 (including tax, amounts rounded down) = 1 mile

Mileage Accrual Eligibility

Eligible vehicles: Taxis which are affiliated with Cab Station Taxi Miles

"Earn Miles!" sticker
  • *

    Taxis which do not display this sticker are not eligible.

  • *

    Check here (Text is available in Japanese only.) for eligible taxi companies and details regarding how to earn miles through Cab Station Taxi Miles.

Eligible Charges

Only taxi fares which are paid with cash are eligible for mileage accrual.

  • *

    Fares which are paid with credit cards or fare tickets are not eligible for mileage accrual.

  • *

    Cannot be used in conjunction with other discount services.

  • *

    Charges for road tolls (for expressways, etc.) are not eligible for mileage accrual.

How to Accrue Miles

  1. Use taxis which display the sticker shown above. If you know the exact date that you plan to use a taxi, making a reservation by telephone is recommended.

  2. Inform the driver that you wish to accrue mileage for the ride, and collect the taxi receipt shown below (two copies). Fill out the taxi receipt with your 10-digit ANA Mileage Club membership number and name and return it to the driver.

  3. After paying the fare with cash, collect the customer's copy of the taxi receipt from the driver.

  • *

    Confirm that the fare amount, taxi company name, and driver name are indicated.

  • *

    Please retain the customer copy of the taxi receipt until you have confirmed that the mileage has been credited to your mileage account.

  • *

    Taxi receipts cannot be reissued.

Taxi Receipt

Taxi Receipt

Mileage Accrual Date

After receiving the taxi receipt, approximately 1-2 months will be required for the miles to be credited to the mileage balance.

  • *

    If mileage accrual cannot be confirmed even after 3 months have passed, please inquire with the point of contact below. (Please make such inquiries within 6 months of the relevant taxi ride date. Inquiries which are made after 6 months have elapsed will not be accepted.)

Retroactive Mileage Registration

Retroactive mileage registration is not permitted.


  • Service is available in Japanese only.

  • Taxi receipts which do not indicate the taxi company name and driver name are not valid for mileage accrual.

  • When multiple ANA Mileage Club members are riding the same taxi, only 1 of the members (the person whose name is written on the taxi receipt) can accrue the miles.

  • Please make sure to write your name and 10-digit ANA Mileage Club membership number on the taxi receipt correctly.

  • If mileage accrual cannot be confirmed even after 3 months have passed, please inquire with the point of contact below. (Please make such inquiries within 6 months of the relevant taxi ride date. Inquiries which are made after 6 months have elapsed will not be accepted.)

Contact Information

Cab Station Co., Ltd.


Monday to Friday: 10:00-16:00 (JST)
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays.
*Not available during the year-end/New Year holiday period.

Website (Desktop Version)