Medium-Term Targets and Results

The ANA Group’s Medium-to-Long-Term Environmental Plan ANA FLY ECO 2020


With the aim of becoming a leading eco-friendly airline, the ANA Group has been setting forth specific numerical targets for each medium-term period while promoting comprehensive environmental protection activities centered on CO2 reduction, beginning in 1999 with the “Action Plan for the 21st Century.”

In the fiscal year 2012, to deal with environmental issues from a more global perspective in anticipation of our next target of 2020, the year when a new international framework for climate change countermeasures will be formulated, we began ANA FLY ECO 2020, a medium-to-long-term environmental plan spanning 2012 to 2020. When setting targets, we have further strengthened climate change countermeasures such as CO2 reduction, which is a high-priority matter for the Group, in light of the global targets set by the International Air Transport Association(IATA) for the airline industry. The plan also sets forth wide-ranging goals including implementation of a study for the start of full-scale use of biofuel within a set time frame, promotion of resource savings and implementation of environmental and social contribution activities. Because steady, day-by-day efforts are necessary to achieve these goals, all employees are aware of environmental protection in their daily duties and are building a corporate culture of working in unison.

Toward Becoming a Leading Eco-Friendly Airline

Tony Tyler, Director General & CEO of IATA, with Osamu Shinobe, President & CEO of ANA

In “A Vision for the Future,” its new environmental vision, IATA has set a target of improving fuel efficiency by an average of 1.5% each year until 2020, for a cumulative improvement of 20%. As specific efforts for achieving this target, IATA has established a four-pillar strategy: invest in new technology and alternative fuels; fly aircraft with high fuel efficiency; build and operate efficient infrastructure for routes, air traffic management and airports; and support a global framework for carbon offsets. The ANA Group has taken on its share of the framework for climate change countermeasures on a global scale by linking its own targets and environmental plan to IATA’s target and four-pillar strategy. The Group will continue to cooperate closely with its various stakeholders, including government and international organizations and groups such as ICAO and IATA, in working to achieve a sustainable global environment.

Targets and Results of ANA FLY ECO 2020

Initiatives to Reduce Our Environmental Impact

Initiatives to Reduce Our Environmental Impact