Annual Report
Annual Report 2024

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- Cover (1,378KB) PDF Opens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
- Contents (3,447KB) PDF Opens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
- Value Creation Process (2,712KB) PDF Opens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
- Management Message (1,706KB) PDF Opens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
- ANA Group Corporate Strategy (10,456KB) PDF Opens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
- Management Foundation (7,932KB) PDF Opens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
- Financial Results and Other Information (808KB) PDF Opens in a new window.In the case of an external site,it may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
Financial Results 2024
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